Version 5.3.10 Release Notes

From WHMCS Documentation

Release Information
Version: 5.3.10
Release Type: Maintenance
Release Date: 16th September 2014
Distribution Types: Full and Incremental Patch Set


The latest full and patch set release can always be obtained from the downloads page

Upgrade Process

View Standard Upgrade Steps

This update requires no additional steps.

Release Notes

Case #4325 - Update Late Fees to apply on the day not the day after

Case #4325 resolves a bug in which Late Fees will have up until now been applied the day after the due date. For example if a late fee was configured to apply 5 days after the due date, it would have applied on day 6. Following applying this update, it will apply on day 5. You can check and adjust your setting for when Late Fees are applied by navigating to Setup > Automation Settings > Add Late Fee Days.

Case #4451 - SendEmail: Improve error reporting

The API SendEmail function has been improved to provide more granular feedback should it encounter problems when attempting to send an email.

Case #4720 - ResellerClub: Update privacy protection to use purchase-privacy parameter

Case #4720 and other associated cases address the changes necessary to the ResellerClub module to ensure privacy protection can still be provisioned successfully once ResellerClub begins charging for Privacy Protection for WHMCS sub-resellers on Monday, 22nd September. If you set a price for Privacy Protection inside the ResellerClub Supersite without this update, WHMCS will no longer be able to auto provision Privacy Protection for domains with ResellerClub until the update is applied.

Case #5083 - Notify admins upon detection of admin directory configuration issue

Case #5083 is an attempt to make the upgrade process more fool-proof. We have found in recent releases that a lot of users apply an update forgetting to take into account their custom admin directory settings. The results of this are that you end up with the newer files in the default /admin/ directory, and then experience errors and problems due to attempting to use WHMCS with older files still present in their custom admin directory. So as of this update, you will be prompted any time a custom admin directory name is configured and a default /admin/ directory is found also. You will not be allowed to continue using the admin area until the default /admin/ directory is removed. If you encounter this error, please ensure you have uploaded all the files from this and any recent updates into your custom admin directory before removing it.

Template Changes

Case #4840 Redirect to invoice on no payment gateway redirect

Ensure that when a payment gateway doesn't have a redirect form, such as Bank Transfer or Mail In Payment, that the redirect to invoice occurs.

Classic Client Area Template

  • forwardpage.tpl - Lines 4-8, 12, 14

Default Client Area Template

  • forwardpage.tpl - Lines 3, 11, 13-18, 24, 26

Portal Client Area Template

  • forwardpage.tpl - Lines 4-8, 12, 14

Case #4911 Hardcoded Subject in view email template removed

Converted text "Subject" to correct language string within the Portal and Classic templates.

Classic Client Area Template

  • viewemail.tpl - Line 10

Portal Client Area Template

  • viewemail.tpl - Line 10

Case #4957 Remove superflouous div tag in password reset validation page

Default Client Area Template

  • pwresetvalidation.tpl - Removed lines 69-70

Case #3173 Correct pricing display on comparison template only showing Monthly

Comparison Order Form Template

  • products.tpl - Lines 37-42, 46-51, 55-66
  • style.css - Line 298
  • js/main.js - Lines 4-15

Case Correct Total Recurring showing for One Time addons on Comparison Template

Comparison Order Form Template

  • ordersummary.tpl - Whole File

Case #2792 Allow users to press enter to submit forms with configurable options

Modern Order Form Template

  • configureproduct.tpl - Line 8
  • js/main.js - Lines 79-84

Slider Order Form Template

  • configureproduct.tpl - Line 8
  • js/main.js - Lines 79-84

Case #2691 Update Configurable Options pricing on cycle changes for ajax orderforms

Modern Order Form Template

  • configureproduct.tpl - Lines 23-28

Slider Order Form Template

  • configureproduct.tpl - Lines 23-28

Language File Changes

Admin Language Strings

 $_ADMINLANG['global']['information'] = "Information";
 $_ADMINLANG['domains']['modifySuccess'] = "Modify Success";
 $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['checkInvoiceID'] = "Check Invoice ID";
 $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['invalidInvoiceID'] = "The Invoice ID you entered could not be found";
 $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['wrongUser'] = "The Invoice ID you entered to assign this payment to belongs to a different client";
 $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['exceedBalance'] = "You cannot apply more credit than the client's credit balance";
 $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['exceedTotal'] = "You cannot apply more credit than the invoice total";
 $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['exceedTotalRemove'] = "You cannot remove more credit than the invoice has applied";
 $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['creditApplySuccess'] = "%s credit was successfully added to the invoice";
 $_ADMINLANG['invoices']['creditRemoveSuccess'] = "%s credit was successfully removed from the invoice";
 $_ADMINLANG['products']['setupreset'] = "The setup fee cannot be less than 0.00 and has been reset automatically";
 $_ADMINLANG['general']['logapiauthentication'] = 'Log API Authentiation';
 $_ADMINLANG['general']['logapiauthenticationinfo'] = 'Tick to record successful API authentications in Admin Log';
 $_ADMINLANG['transactions']['duplicate'] = "Duplicate";
 $_ADMINLANG['transactions']['requireUniqueTransaction'] = "A unique transaction ID is required.";

Client Language Strings

 $_LANG['maxmind_checkconfiguration'] = 'An error occurred with the Fraud Check. Please contact support.';
 $_LANG['maxmind_addressinvalid'] = 'Your address is not recognised. Please check and re-enter.';
 $_LANG['maxmind_invalidip'] = 'IP Address invalid or a local address. Please contact support.';



Case #2624 - Correct Project Management Task links in Calendar
Case #2625 - Prevent next due date showing in emails for One Time and Free cycles
Case #2643 - Remove End-of-Life Google Checkout Gateway
Case #2686 - Ensure accented chars are not encoded when editing email templates
Case #2691 - Refresh config options pricing on cycle changes in ajax order forms
Case #2792 - Allow users to press enter to submit forms with configurable options
Case #2875 - Allow domain validation hooks to run using Ajax Order templates
Case #2888 - Improve logic around session persistence
Case #3049 - Only show default language categories in insert knowledgebase link popup
Case #3173 - Correct pricing display on comparison template only showing Monthly
Case #3209 - Add Domain Transfer Completed Email Template
Case #3242 - Allow existing IDN domains to be managed through LogicBoxes modules
Case #3244 - Require Unique Transaction ID when adding manual payment
Case #3267 - Correct Total Recurring showing for One Time addons on Comparison Template
Case #3548 - Fix date period shown on initial anniversary prorata invoices
Case #4025 - Ensure setup fee cannot be less than zero
Case #4208 - Fix intelligent search not working on Client Billable Items in Admin
Case #4210 - Mass Pay Invoices to ignore Separate Invoices configuration
Case #4322 - Show Success on Admin Contact Details Editing
Case #4325 - Update Late Fees to apply on the day not the day after
Case #4338 - Correct and Translate Credit Messages on Invoice in Admin Area
Case #4377 - Correct affiliate not shown when referral removed on first product
Case #4382 - Process Paid Invoice when adding Transaction from Billing menu
Case #4441 - Implement support for addon related merge fields in Mass Mailer
Case #4689 - Save affiliate checkbox setting when adding a new contact
Case #4690 - Remove Reset and Send Password link when subaccount not enabled
Case #4708 - Configurable Options Unlimited Setting Invalid with Minimum
Case #4718 - Invoice now always respects admin choice of gateway for display
Case #4721 - Remove pricing slabs when deleting client groups
Case #4730 - Remove pricing data when deleting a TLD
Case #4840 - Redirect to invoice on no payment gateway redirect
Case #4911 - Remove hardcoded subject in view email client template
Case #4917 - Fix bundle product links in boxes order form template
Case #4957 - Remove superflouous div tag in password reset validation page
Case #4966 - Remove references to chmod from installer errors
Case #4979 - Modify default invoice sorting to status desc. then due date asc.
Case #5058 - Add domain addons to Bulk Pricing Updater domains update criteria
Case #5058 - Add support for relative price increases to Bulk Pricing Updater
Case #5058 - Redesign and ajaxify Bulk Pricing Update Tool
Case #5077 - Perform Two-Factor Auth prior to re-hash check
Case #5079 - Handle quote characters in charts data appropriately for PHP 5.2
Case #5083 - Notify admins upon detection of admin directory configuration issue
Case #5096 - Update whois server for .ws TLDs
Case #5099 - Ensure Bulk WHOIS Update passes phone number on save
Case #5100 - Update change license key page to use new admin auth class
Case #5128 - Fix server connection test for existing servers


Case #2678 - OpenSRS: Send 0 year transfer period for .ES domains
Case #2716 - Enom: Improve error detection and handling
Case #3094 - Project Management: Allow removal of client association
Case #3095 - OVH: Correct legal type sent for admin contacts
Case #3443 - DirectAdmin: Update to obtain Reseller Usage Statistics
Case #3514 - PayPal Pro Reference Payments: Update reference after each success
Case #3695 - MaxMind: Improve error handling
Case #3976 - Optimal Payments: Improvements to 3D Secure logic handling
Case #4093 - WorldPay: Update test mode URL
Case #4321 - Enom: Improve error reporting upon invalid WHOIS contact info
Case #4386 - Boleto: Ensure all filates use the utf-8 encoding charset
Case #4720 - ResellerClub: Update privacy protection to use purchase-privacy parameter
Case #5054 - ResellerClub: Auto renew ID protection with domain if enabled
Case #5054 - ResellerClub: Update ID Protect toggle to use new purchase parameter
Case #5180 - PayPal: Add User Agent to PayPal callback requests


Case #3369 - CreateInvoice: Log auto credit application at time of creation
Case #4451 - SendEmail: Improve error reporting
Case #5094 - Add toggle setting for API Authentication logging to Admin Log
Case #5153 - UpdateClient: Prevent fatal error on clearing credit card