Version 6.2 Release Notes

From WHMCS Documentation

Release Information

Version 6.2.0 RC 1

  • Release Type: Release Candidate (For Testing)
  • Release Date: 25th November 2015

Version 6.2.0 GA

  • Release Type: General Availability
  • Release Date: 9th December 2015

Version 6.2.1

  • Release Type: Security
  • Release Date: 26th January 2016

Version 6.2.2

  • Release Type: Maintenance
  • Release Date 2nd February 2016

Version 6.2.3

  • Release Type: Security
  • Release Date: 29th December 2016

Release Information
Version: 6.2.0
Release Type: General Availability (Recommended for New Installs & Upgrades)
Release Date: 9th December 2015
Distribution Types: Full Version Only


The latest full and patch set release can always be obtained from the downloads page

Upgrade Process

View Standard Upgrade Steps

New Documentation Articles

Release Notes

  • Application Links - Application Linking provides new functionality that allows modules to provision links to WHMCS in their corresponding third party applications. This opens huge potential for developers and the solutions they can help provide your business. We're particularly excited about the cPanel integration that showcases this feature in cPanel & WHM 54. With Application Links and cPanel, your customers get direct access to WHMCS from the cPanel UI. And with WHMCS 6.2, you'll be ready to turn it on the day your cPanel & WHM servers update to 54. For full documentation, please click here.
cPanel & WHM 54 is actively being distributed to their EDGE tier at the time of writing. It is expected to hit RELEASE status in January 2016. You will not be able to enable Application Links for cPanel or use OpenID Connect with cPanel until your cPanel & WHM server(s) have updated to Version 54 or later.
  • OpenID Connect - Along with Application Linking, 6.2 makes it possible for WHMCS to act as an OpenID Connect provider to support single sign-on for applications. cPanel & WHM 54 will again ship with integration by default that makes taking advantage of this with a cPanel Server incredibly simple. Other vendors and applications can also take advantage of this functionality. For further details please see the OpenID Connect User Guide and OpenID Connect Developer Guide's.
  • New Order Form Templates - Version 6.2 introduces 2 new order form templates: Universal Slider and Supreme Comparison. Both of these order forms are responsive, desktop and mobile friendly, and work with the new Standard Cart introduced in 6.1.
    • The Universal Slider order form replaces the previous "Slider" cart template. The Universal Slider order form provides a slider based product offering solution that can work for all types of products. The Universal Slider supports Product Headlines, Product Taglines, Product Features, Product Group Level Features, and Product Descriptions. For more information see Universal Slider Order Form Template
    • The Supreme Comparison order form provides an additional comparison style cart format. The Supreme Comparison order form leverages feature highlights to display products in a side-by-side comparison format, and allows you to highlight certain products as the "Top" or "Most Popular" offerings. The Supreme Comparison order form supports up to 6 products horizontally on a single line - additional products will wrap to the line below. Like the Universal Slider order form, the Supreme Comparison order form supports Product Headlines, Product Taglines, Product Features, Product Group Level Features, and Product Descriptions. For more information see Supreme Comparison Order Form Template
  • Deprecation of old order form templates - As of WHMCS Version 6.2, the Cart, Slider, Comparison and Vertical Steps order form templates will no longer be shipped with new version ofWHMCS. You can continue to use these order form templates, but they will no longer be receiving any updates in future versions of WHMCS.
  • Draft Invoices - A new Draft status has been added for invoices in WHMCS 6.2. Now you can create and prepare invoices in Draft status, hidden from clients view until you're complete. All invoices created by admin level users will start life in Draft status. Invoices with the Draft status can only be viewed by administrators. A new Publish option then allows you to deliver the invoice to the client and make it visible to them. More information on creating invoices and publishing them can be found in Creating Custom Invoices
  • Customer Retention Analytics - With the introduction of storing of termination dates for products and addons in WHMCS 6.2, a new Average Customer Retention Time report has been introduced. This report shows the number of Cancelled, Terminated and Expired instances of each product for each billing cycle, and the average number of days they spent Active. This report can be accessed via the Reports section of the admin area.
    • All existing Terminated and Cancelled products will have their Termination Dates assumed to be the Next Due Date upon upgrade. All future cancellations will store the exact date of cancellation or termination.
  • Improved Client Search - We've implemented a new and improved ajax powered client search to all areas of the admin area, replacing the previous standard dropdown menus for client selection. With the introduction of the new client search, we have removed the Disable Client Dropdown Setting as it is no longer applicable.
  • CORE-8552 - InvoiceCancelled hook not called when invoice auto-cancelled due to domain renewal order - We have added modified the invoice cancelled hook to run on Domain Renewal Invoice Cancel actions.
  • CORE-8862 - Remove PleskReseller Module - The Plesk Reseller module has been deprecated and will no longer be published with Version 6.2.0 and later. Administrators should now be using the Plesk module. If you still rely on the Plesk Reseller module, keeping the file in place will still work through an upgrade to Version 6.2.0.
  • CORE-8927 - cPanel: Remove hardcoded default feature list parameter - In cPanel 11.50.1, a long standing bug in cPanel was fixed that caused the featurelist parameter to take precedence over any package level settings in account creations performed via the WHM API. WHMCS has always passed a default parameter flag for the feature list and as a result this led to issues for users with packages that relied on a custom feature list. In 6.2.0 and later, this default featurelist parameter is removed so the package level setting will be used.
  • CORE-8928 - Cancellation request doesn’t cancel Unpaid addon invoices - We have added logic in Version 6.2.0 to ensure addons are correctly processed as part of the cancellation requests. Invoice items that are addons are also included in the logic of cancelling a product invoice.
  • CORE-8942 - Upgrading and downgrading should update available product stock - In Version 6.2.0, upgrading or downgrading products will now properly reflect stock settings in product configurations.
  • CORE-9189 - Update dependencies in 6.2 - In Version 6.2.0, we have pulled in maintenance version updates to our Google Recaptcha, php imap, phpmailer, smarty, symfony, and tcpdf, knp, monolog, and phpseclib dependencies.
  • CORE-9289 - Improve custom field validation logic for certain field types - In Version 6.2.0, custom non-textbox fields marked as non-required are now not validated if empty. The result is that optional URL fields won't give an error message due to an incorrect URL format. Optional custom dropdown fields will have 'None' option as the first one.
  • CORE-9305 - PSIGate port changes - PSIGate will phase out low security ports as of 2016. In Version 6.2.0, we have switched all communication with PSIGate to high security ports. We have also added is a health check to our Health & Updates page for OpenSSL 1.0.1c or higher, or another SSL library that supports TLS 1.1 or 1.2, as required by PSIGate as of 2016.

Template Changes

Six Template

For a list of changed files and graphical view of the exact changes, please refer to the Github repo below.

For users upgrading from 6.1.1 The following link provides a comparison of changes between 6.1.1 and 6.2.0.

For users upgrading from 6.0.3 The following link provides a comparison of changes between 6.0.3 and 6.2.0.

Order Forms

Standard Cart

The following link provides a comparison of changes between 6.1.1 and 6.2.0.


Version 6.2.3


Version 6.2.2


CORE-6997 (#4159) - Fix IDN domain lookup in admin area lookup tool
CORE-7190 (#4460) - Fix emails sending as plain text when they contain only an image
CORE-7225 (#4500) - Fix erroneous logging of password change on product edit
CORE-8356 - Fix ticket import error from emails containing Hebrew characters
CORE-8886 - Improve password handling during installation process
CORE-9008 - Ensure PDF attachments respect the client's language setting
CORE-9010 - Improve handling of duplicate domains with multiple statuses
CORE-9088 - Exclude mass pay invoices from client area invoice summary
CORE-9165 - Ensure consistent behavior on changing currency when viewing cart
CORE-9267 - Improve display of username when logging in as existing customer in cart checkout
CORE-9355 - Retain preferred payment method when updating profile information
CORE-9366 - Ensure fields and format consistency in all client profile pages
CORE-9383 - Ensure compatibility in using special characters in piped emails and ticket replies
CORE-9398 - Update CSV export download link description
CORE-9415 - Ensure support for merge fields in addon welcome e-mails
CORE-9418 - Remove use of deprecated preg_replace modifier in pipe script
CORE-9425 - Ensure existing domains can still be transferred when Block Existing Domains enabled
CORE-9439 - Health Check: Add iconv to recommended php extensions
CORE-9450 - Improve PayPal Addon Transaction Lookup messaging on no invoice match
CORE-9459 - Improve grammar of success message on server change
CORE-9465 - Improve Email Marketer Tool CC rules when sending emails contacts and clients
CORE-9467 - Prevent nameserver 1 field being saved incorrectly on server modification
CORE-9470 - Fix fixed term termination days setting not retaining value in product settings
CORE-9475 - Update WHOIS servers for .Irish, .Lawyer and .Pub
CORE-9479 - Fix rendering of billing period for annual items when monthly pricing breakdown is enabled
CORE-9484 - Modal should dismiss automatically on selection of an affiliate in admin view order page
CORE-9490 - Health Check: Introduce warning for Older Versions of MySQL
CORE-9497 - Prevent fatal error on re-ordering of product groups under certain conditions
CORE-9501 - Ensure all product parameters are made available to ProductEdit hook calls
CORE-9506 - Create credit log entry when providing an initial credit balance on adding clients
CORE-9511 - Add additional template variable in order forms for short pricing style with currency suffix
CORE-9512 - Add option to strip utf8mb4 in general settings
CORE-9521 - Improve handling of creating UUID field on upgrade
CORE-9529 - Ensure client contacts appear when adding orders in admin area
    Also known as: CORE-9635
CORE-9531 - Improve display of non-active clients in view/search clients page
CORE-9535 - Improve email text placement when importing email validated with SpamCop
CORE-9539 - Improve VAT Moss Report display for previous years
CORE-9543 - Improve handling of line breaks in plain text email templates
CORE-9554 - Improve calculation logic of Affiliate Payout Amount in Affiliate Program homepage
CORE-9578 - Grammar updates to /lang/english.php file
CORE-9586 - Update to .pe whois servers


MODULE-6270 - Improve handling of special characters in company name field in Nominet module
MODULE-6319 - Provide consistency in select/deselect all accounts option in cPanel/WHM Import Tool
MODULE-6325 - Improved bandwidth reporting in Interworx module
MODULE-6347 - Improve usage statistics gathering for reseller accounts in cPanel module
MODULE-6349 - Add support for gTLDs in OnlineNIC registrar module
MODULE-6351 - Update manual entry key creation in One Time Passwords module
MODULE-6363 - Hide Release Domain option when 'AllowClientTAGChange' option is disabled in Nominet module configuration settings
CORE-9109 - Update ChronoPay payment URL
CORE-9291 - Update html entity encoding rules in Bank Transfer payment module
CORE-9530 - Improve display of Network Status Widget to include Load and Uptime values


CORE-9339 - Modifications to AddClient API to populate custom client field values


CORE-8613 - Russian & Ukrainian translation additions and improvements
CORE-8879 - Farsi translation additions and improvements
CORE-8970 - German translation additions and improvements
CORE-8987 - Portugese translation additions and improvements
CORE-9178 - Romanian translation additions and improvements
CORE-9215 - Portugese translation additions and improvements
CORE-9227 - Spanish translation additions and improvements
CORE-9234 - Dutch translation additions and improvements
CORE-9235 - Hebrew translation additions and improvements
CORE-9392 - Traditional Chinese translation additions and improvements
CORE-9424 - Farsi translation additions and improvements
CORE-9469 - Macedonian language client area translation
CORE-9474 - French translation additions and improvements
CORE-9482 - Updates to the Brazilian Portuguese client area language file
CORE-9489 - Hebrew translation additions and improvements
    Also known as: CORE-9448
CORE-9493 - Hebrew translation additions and improvements to admin area
CORE-9522 - French translation additions and improvements
CORE-9533 - Portugese translation additions and improvements
CORE-9599 - Swedish translation additions and improvements

Version 6.2.1


CORE-9551 - Ensure Kayako Loginshare enforces login correctly
CORE-9583 - Redacted
CORE-9592 - Redacted


CORE-9521 - Prevent error on upgrade when creating UUID field

Version 6.2.0 GA


CORE-7614 (#5070) - Do not perform entity encoding of EPP codes
CORE-8906 - Do not show reserved .uk domains as available in domain checker
CORE-9171 - Prevent completed To-Do items showing in Due Items Calendar Widget
CORE-9214 - Show domain availability results on Standard Cart when referred by domain ordering integration code
CORE-9346 - Highlight "Renew Domain" option in Actions sidebar on domain renewal page
CORE-9347 - Highlight "View Cart" option in Actions sidebar on domain renewal page
CORE-9356 - Do not display Print and CSV download options in Batch PDF Invoice Export
CORE-9358 - Make hard-coded language strings translatable in client profile and add order
CORE-9364 - Fix tab navigation in client profile after using table pagination dropdown
CORE-9367 - Prevent renewal orders for domains that don't meet domain renewal minimum term
CORE-9371 - Fix erroneous error message when searching for IDN with IDNs disabled by admin
CORE-9388 - Update whois servers for .es
CORE-9391 - Improve wording of invoice overdue sidebar
CORE-9396 - Update whois server for .cat
CORE-9414 - Fix uncaught exception in Website SSL Health Check
CORE-9417 - Provide ability to manage articles when browsing knowledgebase by tag
CORE-9421 - WHMCS Connect: Load CSS fonts via a secure connection to prevent warnings
CORE-9431 - Fix admin area alerts icon alignment issue in certain browsers
CORE-9432 - Add config file flag to disable hook inclusion
CORE-9443 - Fix ReCaptcha failing under certain conditions


MODULE-6317 - USA ePay: Make Test Mode option to connect to sandbox
MODULE-6340 - eWay Tokens: Do not round TotalAmount


CORE-8969 - Hungarian translation additions and improvements
CORE-9236 - Add Hebrew Admin Language Translation
CORE-9413 - Correct spelling mistake in French language file

Version 6.2.0 RC 1


FEATURE-1029 - Supreme Comparison Order Form Template
FEATURE-1031 - Universal Slider Order Form Template
FEATURE-1036 - Discontinue legacy order form templates
FEATURE-1038 - Store Cancellation Date for Products/Services
FEATURE-1039 - Store Cancellation Date for Product Addons
FEATURE-1041 - Average Customer Retention Time Report based upon new Cancellation Date data
FEATURE-1047 - WHMCS Connect: Add dynamic search ability to servers list
FEATURE-1050 - Ability to create Draft Invoices hidden from client view
FEATURE-1051 - Dynamic Searchable Client Dropdown Menus to all client selection menus within the admin area
FEATURE-1139 - OpenID Connect to allow WHMCS to be used as an OpenID Connect Authentication Provider
FEATURE-1141 - Single Sign-On Client Security Setting to control SSO access
FEATURE-1148 - Application Linking for third party applications and modules
FEATURE-1149 - WHMCS Single Sign-On with OAuth 2.0 enabling automatic sign-in from trusted applications
FEATURE-1152 - WHMCS Billing & Support Links Integration in cPanel (cPanel Application Linking)
FEATURE-1215 - OpenID Connect for cPanel Control Panel Authentication
FEATURE-1237 - Dedicated permission for controlling Sub-Account access to Module Single Sign-On
FEATURE-1292 - Create a CLI interface for performing WHMCS upgrades


ADDON-5965 - Make license details page fully translatable
CORE-8489 - Merging tickets should result in combined ticket having latest last update and status information
CORE-8552 - Trigger InvoiceCancelled hook when invoice auto-cancelled due to domain renewal order
CORE-8560 - Display IDN domains as entered without punycode in domain checker results
    Also known as: VSIX-668
CORE-8622 - WHOIS Server Update for .kr
CORE-8700 - Make state field optional in admin area add contact page
CORE-8745 - PDF invoice rendering (inline) of html email doesn't have a background
CORE-8802 - Email History Message does not show scrollbar in Firefox
    Also known as: CORE-9277
CORE-8813 - Show better error message upon domain lookup for an extension not configured with pricing
CORE-8823 - Prevent triggering of module renew function by initial invoice payment
CORE-8845 - Locked Client Profile Fields prevent registration with the Five template
CORE-8861 - Add Whois Server for .top
CORE-8884 - Fix localised knowledgebase article title display in category listing
CORE-8908 - Fix missing closing div tag in client area contact management interface
CORE-8917 - Fix bug causing email unsubscribe process to fail under certain conditions
CORE-8921 - Add new hook point to allow overriding upgrade order pricing
CORE-8928 - Cancellation request doesn't cancel Unpaid addon invoices
CORE-8937 - Set products to terminated upon completion of fixed product cycles limit
CORE-8942 - Upgrading and downgrading should update available product stock
CORE-8956 - Show custom buttons as defined by domain registrar modules
CORE-8957 - Billing cycle html output malformed in Modern order form template
CORE-8963 - Do not log entry when automatic backup process is disabled
CORE-8965 - Show auto renew status in client area domains list
CORE-8966 - Six template: Portal Home link on announcements details page broken
    Also known as: CORE-8786
CORE-8973 - WHOIS Server Updates for .ph
CORE-8976 - Display product related sidebar on Account Cancellation Request page
CORE-8978 - Honor domain length restrictions in shopping cart
    Also known as: CORE-9300
CORE-9001 - WHOIS Server Updates for .tz
CORE-9028 - Select/Deselect all checkboxes work only once
CORE-9114 - Fix mass action buttons incompatibility with Safari browser
CORE-9143 - Changing sub-account password via client area non-functional
CORE-9154 - Configurable options slider cart totals refreshing fails to keep up
    Also known as: CORE-9361
CORE-9168 - WHOIS Server Update for .social
CORE-9183 - Show localised title if available when viewing full announcements
CORE-9192 - Add ID tags to product details alerts to allow for browser side DOM manipulation
CORE-9193 - Fix incorrect Facebook Share Links under certain conditions
CORE-9200 - Client area contact add should not require a state to be provided
CORE-9209 - Fix missing icons in product associated downloads file navigator
CORE-9225 - Ensure appropriate mobile responsive behaviour in Standard Cart Domain Configuration
CORE-9237 - Ensure original params array in transliteration hooks are unaltered
    Also known as: CORE-8916
CORE-9239 - Use absolute path for all links in Six header template
    Also known as: CORE-8854, CORE-8830
CORE-9240 - Prevent transfer orders for domains that already exist within WHMCS
CORE-9242 - Make setup fee clearer and separate from recurring total in Standard Cart
CORE-9247 - Downloads for Product Addons not displayed in Six template
CORE-9259 - Adding new contact within admin area should redirect to newly created contact
CORE-9260 - Group products that permit multiple quantities in shopping cart
CORE-9261 - Fix order notes not being saved upon checkout
CORE-9273 - Perform domain availability check when adding suggestions to cart
CORE-9275 - Preserve status view filter sidebar highlight upon page refresh
CORE-9276 - Hide table lists until fully loaded to prevent flashing of unstyled content
CORE-9278 - Correct credit card verification image path in Modern order form
CORE-9289 - Improve custom field validation logic for certain field types
    Also known as: CORE-9325
CORE-9290 - Fix display of product group features to honor admin configured sort order
CORE-9294 - ClientArea class full path template output routine not Windows friendly
CORE-9297 - Render ClientAreaProductDetailsOutput hook output in Licensing Addon client area
CORE-9298 - Fix logging of module name in module activation routine
CORE-9307 - Add PHP ZipArchive check to System Health Check
CORE-9311 - Replace use of jQuery dialog with Bootstrap modal
CORE-9315 - Ensure contact dropdown is always selectable in domain contact information page
CORE-9333 - Fix knowledgebase search within category when SEO URLs enabled on Six template
CORE-9338 - WHOIS Server update for .au registry
CORE-9343 - Allow WHOIS Opt-out for
CORE-9348 - Update Licensing Addon Verify File for Six Template
VSIX-76 - Add categories sidebar panel to Knowledgebase pages
VSIX-854 - Provide more detailed logging of admin level changes to Product Addons
VSIX-874 - Provide more detailed logging of admin level changes to Promotion Codes
VSIX-875 - Provide more detailed logging of admin level changes to Domain Registrars
VSIX-877 - Provide more detailed logging of admin level changes to Server Configuration
VSIX-880 - Provide more detailed logging of admin level changes to Ticket Escalation Rules


ADDON-5973 - Fix broken button in Licensing Addon Module Client Area UI
CORE-7275 (#4550) - ResellerClub: Ensure compatibility with .es additional domain fields
CORE-8536 - Remove module for NetRegistry - now superseded by Tpp
CORE-8831 - Add new hook points to allow code execution post failure of module actions
CORE-8862 - Deprecate Plesk Reseller Module
CORE-8927 - cPanel: Remove hardcoded default feature list parameter
CORE-9305 - PSIGate: Update to latest ports for test and live modes
CORE-9316 - Add Configure SSL sidebar shortcut to all SSL modules
MODULE-6247 - Maxmind blocks orders if no address provided
MODULE-6294 - Convert to for Processing non-functional for Express Checkout
MODULE-6309 - eNom: Simplify domain extend command to reduce chance of failure
MODULE-6313 - WHOIS Server update for .ae
MODULE-6321 - module references incorrect field name for Birthplace Country
MODULE-6327 - eWay: Allow other A transaction response codes
MODULE-6333 - cPanel: Only perform reseller usage stats collection for active/suspended resellers


CORE-6511 (#3368) - API CreateInvoice: Send email post credit being applied


CORE-8855 - Make password input help block translatable
CORE-8893 - German Translation Improvements
CORE-9056 - Updated Hebrew Translation
    Also known as: VSIX-711
CORE-9148 (#2813) - Admin Area Italian Language Updates
    Also known as: CORE-7951
CORE-9149 (#5004) - Additional Translations for Spanish and Italian Client Languages
    Also known as: CORE-8102
CORE-9264 - Use localised language translation for cancellation request button in client area
CORE-9286 - Replace hardcoded language strings in Standard Cart Product Config Step
CORE-9293 - Turkish Translation Improvements
CORE-9349 - Replace hardcoded language strings in Standard Cart Domain Config Step