Administrator Users

From WHMCS Documentation

WHMCS allows you to create admins who can access and use the Admin Area. These users are separate from the clients that access the Client Area. You can create individual accounts for each admin and use detailed controls to set what they're able to view and do for each area of functionality.

You can access this feature at Configuration () > System Settings > Administrator Users or by going to Configuration () > Manage Admins or, prior to WHMCS 8.0, Setup > Staff Management > Administrator Users.

List of Admins

The list of admins includes all of the admins on your WHMCS installation. This list includes each admin's name, email addres, username, admin role, and assigned support departments.

Creating or Managing an Admin

To create or manage admin:

  1. Create or manage an admin:
    • To create a new admin, click Add New Administrator.
    • To manage an existing admin, click the edit icon for that admin.
  2. Select an administrator role. For more information, see Administrator Roles.
  3. Enter First Name, Last Name, and Email Address values.
  4. Enter a username. Admin usernames must:
    • Begin with a letter (A–Z or a–z).
    • Contain only alphanumeric characters.
    • Not include spaces.
  5. Enter and confirm a password.
  6. Check one or more support departments.
    • The admin can view and respond to tickets in the departments that you assign.
    • If you assign the admin to a role that includes Access All Tickets Directly, they will be able to access other departments through direct links.
    • For more information, see Support Departments.
  7. Optionally, enter a signature to add to support ticket replies.
  8. Optionally, enter any notes for the admin.
    • These notes are visible to the admin and to all admins with the Full Administrator role.
    • For more information, see My Notes.
  9. Select a template for the admin to use.
  10. Select the admin's desired language.
  11. Check Disable if you want to disable the account and prevent login.