Date Range Picker

From WHMCS Documentation

In WHMCS 7.8 and later, we've made a number of improvements to the date picker experience within WHMCS.

Date Shortcuts

With shortcuts, any time you enter a date field you will be provided with a number of quick shortcuts that allow you to quickly jump to commonly used dates.

Shortcuts are context related to the field you're using, so for example if you're in a field for invoice issue date you'll get shortcuts such as yesterday and one week ago, while if you're in a field for due date, you'll get shortcuts for tomorrow, 7 days from now, one week from now and so on.


Date Range Picker

There are many areas within WHMCS where you can search or filter for records that are between two dates. In WHMCS 7.8 and later, clicking into a date range field will show the date range picker tool that allows you to click on a start and end date to create a range.

As with the single date fields, shortcuts are also provided that allow you to quickly select commonly used date ranges such as the last 7 days, last month, previous month, and more.


The date range picker functionality is available in Reports, Orders, Invoices, Transactions, To-Do List and the Gateway Log.


If you do not see the date range picker functionality and you are running WHMCS 7.8 or later, check whether you are using a custom Admin Area theme, whether it has been updated with any relevant changes from the changes to the default Admin Area templates shipped with WHMCS 7.8. Switching to the default Admin Area theme is also a good way to rule out any incompatibilities or breakage related to a custom Admin Area theme.

If you continue to experience problems, please contact our support team.