
From WHMCS Documentation

You can use the WHMCS knowledgebase to create a collection of important information, including frequently-asked questions and their answers. You can group articles into public or hidden categories, allowing you to create separate knowledgebases for customers and staff.

You can access this feature at Support > Knowledgebase.

The Client Area offers the user the choice of browsing through the articles by category, by popular tags, or by searching for keywords.


Before you can start creating articles, you must create at least one category to store them in.

To do this:

  1. Go to the Add Category tab.
  2. Enter a display name.
  3. If you want to create a staff-only hidden category, check Check to Hide. The category will then only be visible in the Admin Area.
  4. Enter a description.
  5. Click Add Category.


Articles are the pages that comprise the knowledgebase. Each article exists in at least one category.

To create an article:

  1. Go to the Add Article tab.
  2. Enter an article name.
  3. Click Add Article.
  4. Select the article's category or categories. To select more than one category, CTRL+click on the desired categories.
  5. If you want to manually set the views or votes for the article, enter the desired numbers in Views, Votes For, or Total.
  6. If you want to override the default alphanumeric display order, enter the desired number or letter in Display Order. For example, entering 0 would cause the article to display at the top of the category.
  7. Check Private to only allow logged-in users to view the article.
  8. Enter the desired tags by typing them into Tags. For more information, see Tags below.
    • Matching existing tags will display as you type. Press Enter to add the displayed tag.
    • To add a new tag, enter it and then press Enter or Space.
    • Tags cannot contain spaces.
  9. Enter the article content and apply your desired formatting. For more information, see Images below.
  10. To translate the article into additional languages, click that language under Multi-Lingual Translations under the text box. Then, translate the article in the new text box that appears.
  11. Click Save Changes.

To edit an existing article, click the appropriate category names until you see the desired article, and then click the article name. Make the desired updates and then click Save Changes.


Knowledgebase tags highlight keywords for an article. You can use them to group articles across multiple categories that share a common theme.

Tags can generate a Tag Cloud showing the most common themes in articles and allowing the user to view all articles associated with a given tag regardless of category. Tags that occur more frequently will display in a larger font.


We added images in WHMCS 7.10.

To upload images using the Knowledgebase rich text editor:

  1. In the rich text editor, select Insert > Image.
  2. Choose the Upload tab and follow the prompts. The image URL will appear automatically at the cursor's current location in the content.

The last 25 images that you uploaded display as available under Recent images.


Your settings at Configuration () > System Settings > Storage Settings determine where to store uploaded images.