Link Tracking

From WHMCS Documentation

The link or ad tracker tool allows you to track your advertising campaigns. You can set up the links you want to use and then, instead of linking directly, you use the tracking links WHMCS gives you. It tracks the number of clicks and conversions using a cookie and providing a way to analyse success for different promotions.

You can access this feature at Utilities > Link Tracking.

How Link Tracking Works

When the click passes through WHMCS the system increments the count by one, but also sets a cookie on the user's computer to say they used that link. The system only stores the latest link they used, so a conversion never counts more than once. The cookie lasts for three months, so if a user then places an order with that cookie still present on their computer, the conversion count for that link increases.

Add a Tracked URL

To do this:

  1. Click Add a New Link.
  2. Enter a name to identify the link.
  3. Enter the URL to forward the user to.
  4. Click Add Link.

Get the URL to Use for Tracking

To do this:

  1. Click the edit icon next to the desired URL.
  2. The Link/URL field on the edit page will show the link you need to use (for example,
  3. Link to that URL from the location in which you run the promotion.