Domain Pricing

From WHMCS Documentation

(Redirected from Namespinning)

You can configure the prices you charge to your clients for domain registration and associated addons. You can also configure namespinning, premium domains, spotlight TLDs, and other ways to increase your domain sales.

You can access this feature at Configuration () > System Settings > Domain Pricing or, prior to WHMCS 8.0, Setup > Products/Services > Domain Pricing.

For instructions for configuring WHMCS to register, renew, or transfer domains automatically, see Domains Configuration.

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You can use the list of TLDs to configure all the extensions or TLDs you wish to offer, their features, and pricing.

Using the list of TLDs, you can:

  • Add and remove spotlight TLDs.
  • Add and remove sales groups.
  • Configure TLD pricing.
  • Enable and disable DNS management, email forwarding, ID protection, and EPP codes.
  • Enable, disable, and set the registrar for auto registration.
  • Configure grace and redemption periods.
  • Reorganize the list of TLDs.
  • Remove TLDs.

Spotlight TLDs

Use the Spotlight TLDs feature to highlight specific TLDs on the domain results page. The first suggested result for the spotlighted TLD will appear in highlighted boxes directly below the client's check result. Clients will be able to add the TLDs you select to their shopping cart with one click.

Managing Spotlight TLDs

To add a Spotlight TLD, click the lightbulb icon next to the desired TLD in the list. It will appear in the Spotlight TLD section at the top of the page.

Your currently-selected spotlight TLDs appear above the list of TLDs.

  • You can select up to eight spotlight TLDs.
  • Drag TLDs left and right to change the order in which they appear on the domain results page.
  • Click the X icon next to the TLD in the Spotlight TLDs section to remove it from the list of spotlight TLDs.

For information on adding logos for Spotlight TLDs that do not already have a PNG logo file in the /assets/img/tld_logos folder or applying custom styling, see Domain Pricing Matrix.

Adding a New TLD

Domain Pricing Page
Domain Pricing Matrix

The empty last row in the TLDs table is where you add new TLDs to your list. Remember that you can't configure pricing until after you initially save the TLD.

To add a new TLD:

  1. Enter the TLD, including the preceeding . (for example, .com or .net).
  2. Check or uncheck the DNS Management, Email Forwarding, or ID Protection checkboxes to enable the desired features.
  3. Check EPP Code to require an EPP code for transfers.
  4. If you want to perform automatic registrations on payment, select a registrar from the Auto Registration menu (see below). If you do not want to use automatic registration, select None.
  5. Click Save Changes.

After you add the new TLD, make certain that you update the pricing matrix for the new TLD by clicking Pricing. For more information, see below.

While WHMCS allows you to enter 1–10 years for transfer pricing, most registrars and TLDs do not support multi-year transfers.

Auto Registration

Automatic domain registration automates registration and transfer request submissions to supported registrars. When you enable this, WHMCS will automatically submit the request to the registrar as soon as the client pays you for it. WHMCS never submits domain registrations before you receive payment.

If you disable automatic domain registration, the system will wait to submit the registration until after a client has paid and an admin user manually reviews the order and accepts it.

Sales Groups

Managing Sales Groups

Sales groups highlight certain TLDs to customers by displaying colourful labels next to the domains on the domain results page. All results for the TLD within a sales group will display the label for the group. You can use this in conjunction with spotlight TLDs, so a domain can be both spotlighted and in a sales group for extra prominence.

To assign a TLD to a sales group, click the arrow next to the TLD and select the desired option: HOT, NEW, or SALE.

To remove the TLD from the sales group, click the arrow next to the TLD and select NONE.

Configuring TLD Pricing Matrixes

You can adjust the prices for each TLD on both a per-year registration length and per-currency basis.

Any changes you make here will only affect new domain name registrations and transfers. The changes you make won't affect existing domain registrations. To update renewal prices for existing customers domains, you need to use the Bulk Pricing Updater.

To modify a TLD's pricing matrix:

  1. Click Pricing for the desired TLD.
  2. Select the desired client group from the Pricing Slab for menu.
    • The pricing slab feature enables different domain pricing for different client groups on a per-TLD basis.
    • For more information, see Client Groups.
  3. Check Enable for each desired year or currency to enable pricing.
  4. Enter the prices for registrations, transfers, and renewals. You can set a different price for each option.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Domain Grace and Redemption Grace Periods

This section describes a feature available in version 7.5 and above.
Domain Grace Settings

The Grace Period and Redemption Period settings enable fine-grained control over what happens when clients renew domains after the expiration date. There are two tiers that control any extra charges you wish to make, which depend on how late a client renews a domain. You can control pricing on a per-TLD basis.

To configure Grace Period and Redemption Period settings:

  1. Click the gear icon for that TLD.
  2. Enter the desired duration in days.
  3. Enter the desired fee.
  4. Click Save Changes.

For more information, see Domain Grace and Redemption Grace Periods.

Reordering TLDs

To reorder TLDs, click and hold the up-and-down arrow icon for the desired TLD. Then, drag the row to the desired location.

Removing TLDs

To remove a TLD from the list, click the red delete icon. Then, click OK to confirm the deletion.

Lookup Provider

WHMCS supports many domain lookup providers for domain searches in the Client Area's domain checker or shopping cart.

The lookup provider defaults to Standard WHOIS. Only change this if you want to sell premium domains or use lookup functionality in your specific registrar.

To change your lookup provider:

  1. Click Change.
  2. Click Select for the desired provider. You can choose from the following options:
    • Standard WHOIS — This checks domain availability using WHOIS servers directly and is the default domain lookup provider. When using this method, WHMCS can display the status of the domain name with other TLD extensions in addition to the user's chosen TLD.
    • WHMCS Namespinning — This option generates, ranks, and returns relevant domain name suggestions across a wide range of TLDs to help drive more domain registrations (see below).
    • Domain Registrar — This allows you to choose a domain registrar to use as the lookup provider. WHMCS will use the chosen domain registrar to provide suggestions using the registrar's suggestion engine or API.
      You must first configure the registrar at Configuration () > System Settings > Domain Registrars or, prior to WHMCS 8.0, Setup > Products/Services > Domain Registrars.
  3. Follow the prompts to provide the remaining information. This will include choosing TLDs to check and, depending on your lookup provider selection, may also include settings like geolocation-specific suggestions and adult domain name controls.
  4. Click Save.

If your selected lookup provider supports premium domains, you can enable them next (see below). After you enable premium domains, you cannot configure percentage markups and selling premium domains.


Namespinning provides intelligent automated suggestions based on the domain or keywords a user enters. It generates, ranks, and returns relevant domain name suggestions across a wide range of TLDs.

If the search's TLD is not supported, it will return unsupported and WHMCS will instead check the availability of the domain using the WHOIS Servers.

Namespinning supports the following languages:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Turkish
  • Chinese

To disable namespinning, select Standard WHOIS as the lookup provider.

Premium Domains

This section describes a feature available in version 7.1 and above.
Premium Domains Activated

Premium Domains are names with short, common, or desirable words. Usually, this is providing a more memorable web address for a premium price. The system fetches the pricing in real-time from the registrar (you must use a registrar that supports this functionality), the Lookup Provider. The system then applies any markup you configure to determine the final price for the customer.

To enable premium domains, set the toggle to ON.

To configure premium domain settings, click Configure. Then, set the desired prices and markup percentages and click Save.

For more information, see Premium Domains.

Bulk Management

TLD Bulk Management actions

The Bulk Management actions allow for quick updates to the registration, transfer, and renewal amounts for the 1 to 10 year cycles for all configured TLDs. It also allows you to mass-configure the grace and redemption periods and amounts to charge for those to all TLDs.

For example, to change the pricing for one-year registrations for all TLDs to $14:

  1. Enter 14 into the 1 Year Registration box.
  2. To apply the same change to years 2 to 10 with automatic multiplication of the 1 year amount, check Set 2-10 years based on 1 year price for registration and renewals..
  3. Click Save Changes.

We introduced the Grace Period and Redemption Period bulk actions with support for Grace and Redemption Periods in WHMCS 7.5. You can use these options to quickly enable or update the Grace Period and Redemption Period settings for all TLDs at once. This can be helpful when first enabling these features on the configured TLDs. For more information on how to set these items, see Domain Grace and Redemption Grace Periods.

Domain Addons — ID Protection, DNS Management, and Email Forwarding

Domain Addons

In WHMCS, these are domain addons. Often, some addons aren't compatible with all the TLDs you offer. In WHMCS, you can enable or disable them on a per TLD basis. You can configure them and specify each addon's available extensions for using the checkboxes on each TLD row.

If you wish to offer one or more of these addons for free with a domain name, leave the price at 0.00. It will appear as a free option on the domain configuration page of the order form.