WP Squared Account Provisioning

From WHMCS Documentation

In WHMCS 8.8 and later, you can provision and manage WordPress® accounts on WP Squared servers using a new WP Squared server module.

What is WP Squared?

WP Squared, a WebPros product, offers a fully-configured WordPress hosting solution for new and existing cPanel partners. When you sell accounts on a WP Squared server, you can easily give your customers a WordPress-centric user experience on a server that's tailored to WordPress hosting needs.


A user-friendly interfaces make it easy for your customers to launch their WordPress websites by themselves, with only minimal technical support from your team. If you aren't already a cPanel partner, you can get started by signing up on the WP Squared website.

WP Squared is a distinct product from WP Toolkit and other WordPress-related WebPros offerings. For more information about other options for selling WordPress, see WordPress Hosting and WP Toolkit.

Adding and Selling WP Squared Servers

To get started selling accounts in WP Squared, you will need to add your WP Squared server to WHMCS and then set up a product to sell:

  1. Install WP Squared on your server and configure it. For more information, see the WP Squared documentation.
  2. Add the server at Configuration () > System Settings > Servers. For steps, see Creating Your First WP Squared Server and WP Squared. ADMIN AREA SERVERS WP SQUARED 88.png
  3. Create a WP Squared product at Configuration () > System Settings > Products/Services. ADMIN AREA PRODUCTS WP SQUARED 88.png

Managing WP Squared Accounts

Admins can manage WP Squared accounts as usual in the client profile.

For more information about the WP Squared module's features, see WP Squared.