Accept an Admin Invitation

Organizations can send invitations to staff members, allowing them to create admin accounts. When you receive your invitation, you will have seven days to use it to create your username and password. Then, you can log in to the Admin Area to start working in WHMCS.

After you log in to the WHMCS Admin Area, you can perform tasks like viewing reports, responding to support tickets, or managing client orders. Your access to WHMCS features depends on your administrator role.

For steps to send an invitation, see Add an Admin.

Accept an Invitation

To accept your invitation and start using WHMCS:

1. Click Accept Invitation.

Find and open the invitation email in your email inbox. By default, the email’s subject is You've been invited to use WHMCS.

If you cannot find the invitation in your inbox or you see an error, contact the WHMCS admin who sent it.

In your invitation email, click Accept Invitation.

2. Enter a username and password.

Enter your desired username and password. Then, reenter the password to confirm it.

The admin invitation email and initial login page
  • If the admin who sent your invitation already set a username for you, you cannot change it.
  • Admin usernames must:
    • Begin with a letter (AZ or az).
    • Contain only alphanumeric characters.
    • Not include spaces or other special characters.
  • We recommend a long password that includes numbers, symbols, and lowercase and uppercase letters.
  • Passwords cannot use the following characters: &, ", ', <, or >.

3. Click Create Account.

Click Create Account.

The Admin Area Dashboard

The system will log you in to the WHMCS Admin Area and you will see the Admin Dashboard.

Next Steps

Now, you can start using WHMCS. Your access in WHMCS depends on your administrator role. However, most new admins start with the following important features in WHMCS:

Configure Your Admin Settings

You can easily configure your admin account by going to Account () > My Account.

My Account in the Admin Area

From here, you can set up notifications for your departments, set a signature to use in ticket replies, and choose your language.

Get to Know The Support System

Viewing a support ticket in the Client Area.

The support system at Support > Support Tickets is a fully-featured ticket desk that can handle all of your client communication. It also includes a built-in knowledgebase, features for making general announcements and reporting network issues, and more.

To learn more about the support system in WHMCS, see Support Tools.

Start Managing Clients

The Summary tab in the client profile

WHMCS stores information about your business’s customers in their client profiles. From each profile, you can easily access services, invoices, ticket history, and more.

To allow your customers to log in and manage their services with you, WHMCS includes a user management system. Each user can log in to the Client Area, which contains current and past services, billing information, and support tickets.

To learn more about the user management system in WHMCS, see Users and Client Accounts.

View Reports

WHMCS includes a wide range of reports and in-depth analytics on your business’s activities. Many reports also include graphs and charts to help you interpret the data.

To learn more about reports in WHMCS, see Reports.

Last modified: January 13, 2025