Add or Edit an Administrator Role

Administrator roles allow you to set the permissions for different types of admins. You can set up as many different administrator roles as you want and then assign your admins to them.

For more information, see Administrator Roles.

Create or Edit an Administrator Role

To create or edit an administrator role:

1. Choose to create or edit a role.

Go to Configuration () > System Settings > Administrator Roles.

  • To create a new role, click Add New Role Group and enter a name.
  • To edit a role, click the edit icon for that role. A list of permissions settings will appear.

2. Select the desired permissions.

For Permissions, check the desired permissions.

  • Cancel permissions allow you to cancel an item.
  • Create permissions allow you to create a new item.
    Many Create permissions require the related Manage permission. If you see Access Denied errors, add the Manage permission. For example, errors will occur when creating invoices if you don’t also enable Manage Invoices.
  • Configure permissions are generally for settings under Configuration () > System Settings.
  • Delete permissions allow you to delete or remove an item.
  • List permissions allow you to view a list of items.
  • Manage permissions allow you to manage an item.
  • View permissions allow you to view an item.
For all admin roles, you must enable Support Center Overview or Main Homepage. This allows the admin to see the support center overview or Admin Dashboard after logging in.

3. Select the reports that the role can access.

For Reports Access Controls:

  • Select Unrestricted to allow access to all reports at Reports > Reports.
  • Select Restrict Access to only allow access to specific reports. Then, check the desired reports.

4. Select emails.

For Email Messages, check the email types that you want admins with that role to receive.

5. Save.

When you are finished, click Save.

You can then assign the administrator role to an admin at Configuration () > System Settings > Administrator Users.

Last modified: October 11, 2024