An item in one of WHMCS's client area menus.

Menu item objects are the core building block to all programmable client area menus in WHMCS. They power dynamic navigation bars, sidebars, the client area home page's panels, and other UI elements. Individual menu items contain all of the components necessary to render it on a page including display labels, links, icons, and certain HTML elements.

Menu items are arranged in a tree structure. A menu item can have many child items and one parent item. The only item with no parent is the root menu item at the top of the tree. The root menu item has access to every child item in the menu tree.

class Item extends MenuItem

Properties summary

Type Property Description
protected $badge An optional badge displayed to the right of a menu item's label.
protected $order The order that a menu item appears in its hierarchy.
protected $disabled Tracks if a menu item is disabled.
protected $icon An optional icon displayed next to a menu item.
protected $headingHtml Raw HTML to be rendered in a menu body's heading area.
protected $bodyHtml Raw HTML to be rendered in a menu item's body area.
protected $footerHtml Raw HTML to be rendered in a menu item's footer area.

Methods summary

Return Type Method Name Description
string getName() Retrieve a menu item's name.
Item setName(string $name) Set a menu item's name.
string getUri() Retrieve a menu item's link target.
Item setUri(string $uri) Set a menu item's link target.
string getLabel() Retrieve a menu item's label.
Item setLabel(string $label) Set a menu item's label.
Item addChild(Item|string $child, array $options = array()) Add a child menu item.
Item|null getChild(string $name) Retrieve a menu item's child item by name.
Item copy() Make a copy of a menu item.
int getLevel() Retrieve a menu item's level in the menu tree.
Item getRoot() Retrieve the root menu item.
bool isRoot() Determine if a menu item is the root menu item.
Item|null getParent() Retrieve a menu item's parent item.
Item[] getChildren() Retrieve a menu item's child items.
Item setChildren(array $children) Set a menu item's child items.
Item removeChild(Item|string $name) Remove a menu item's child item.
bool hasChildren() Determine if a menu item has child items.
Item setBadge(string $badge) Set a menu item's badge.
string|false getBadge() Retrieve a menu item's badge, or false if the badge isn't set.
bool hasBadge() Determine if a menu item has a badge.
Item setOrder(int $order) Set a menu item's sort order.
int getOrder() Retrieve a menu item's sort order.
Item setClass(string $cssClassString) Set a menu item's css class definitions.
string getClass() Retrieve a menu item's css class definitions.
Item disable() Set a menu item as disabled.
Item enable() Set a menu item as enabled.
bool isDisabled() Retrieve if a menu item is disabled.
array getExtras() Retrieve a key/value pair of menu item extras.
mixed getExtra(string $name, mixed $default = null) Retrieve a menu item extra by name.
Item setExtras(array $extras) Set a menu item's extras.
Item setExtra(string $name, mixed $value) Set a menu item extra.
bool isFontAwesomeIcon(string $icon) Determine if a string describes a Font Awesome icon.
bool isGlyphicon(string $icon) Determine if a string describes a Glyphicon.
Item setIcon(string $icon) Set the icon displayed next to a menu item.
string getIcon() Retrieve full CSS classes of the icon displayed next to a menu item.
bool hasIcon() Determine if a menu item has an icon.
bool hasFontAwesomeIcon() Determine if a menu item's icon is a Font Awesome icon.
bool hasGlyphicon() Determine if a menu item's icon is a Glyphicon.
string getBodyHtml() Retrieve a menu item's body HTML content.
Item setBodyHtml(string $html) Set a menu item's body HTML content.
bool hasBodyHtml() Determine if a menu item has body HTML.
string getFooterHtml() Retrieve a menu item's footer HTML content.
Item setFooterHtml(string $html) Set a menu item's footer HTML content.
bool hasFooterHtml() Determine if a menu item has footer HTML.
string getHeadingHtml() Retrieve a menu item's heading HTML content.
Item setHeadingHtml(string $html) Set a menu item's heading HTML content.
bool hasHeadingHtml() Determine if a menu item has heading HTML.
string getId() Build a menu item's CSS id.
static Item sort(Item $menu, bool $sortChildren = true) Sort a menu item's children by their sort order then alphabetically by name.
Item swapOrder(string $swapOrder) Swap the order of the current menu item with another menu item's order.
Item moveUp() Move a menu item up in sorting order.
Item moveDown() Move a menu item down in sorting order.
Item moveToFront() Move a menu item to the beginning of the sorting order.
Item moveToBack() Move a menu item to the end of the sorting order.


string getName ()

Retrieve a menu item's name.

Return Value


Item setName (string $name)

Set a menu item's name.


string $name

Return Value



InvalidArgumentException if the name is already in use by one of the menu item's siblings.

string getUri ()

Retrieve a menu item's link target.

Return Value


Item setUri (string $uri)

Set a menu item's link target.


string $uri

Return Value


string getLabel ()

Retrieve a menu item's label.

If the label is undefined then retrieve the menu item's name.

Return Value


Item setLabel (string $label)

Set a menu item's label.


string $label

Return Value


Item addChild (Item|string $child, array $options = array())

Add a child menu item.


Item|string $child either a menu item or the name of the child item.
array $options the child item's options if $child is a string.

Return Value



InvalidArgumentException if $child already has a parent menu item.

Item|null getChild (string $name)

Retrieve a menu item's child item by name.

Return null if the child isn't found.


string $name

Return Value


Item copy ()

Make a copy of a menu item.

Return Value


int getLevel ()

Retrieve a menu item's level in the menu tree.

The root menu item has level 0, its children have level 1, their children level 2, and so on.

Return Value


Item getRoot ()

Retrieve the root menu item.

Return Value


bool isRoot ()

Determine if a menu item is the root menu item.

Return Value


Item|null getParent ()

Retrieve a menu item's parent item.

Return null if the menu item is the root menu item and has no parent item.

Return Value


Item[] getChildren ()

Retrieve a menu item's child items.

Return Value


Item setChildren (array $children)

Set a menu item's child items.


array $children

Return Value


Item removeChild (Item|string $name)

Remove a menu item's child item.


Item|string $name

Return Value


bool hasChildren ()

Determine if a menu item has child items.

Return Value


Item setBadge (string $badge)

Set a menu item's badge.


string $badge

Return Value


string|false getBadge ()

Retrieve a menu item's badge, or false if the badge isn't set.

Return Value


bool hasBadge ()

Determine if a menu item has a badge.

Return Value


Item setOrder (int $order)

Set a menu item's sort order.


int $order

Return Value


int getOrder ()

Retrieve a menu item's sort order.

Return Value


Item setClass (string $cssClassString)

Set a menu item's css class definitions.


string $cssClassString

Return Value


string getClass ()

Retrieve a menu item's css class definitions.

Return Value


Item disable ()

Set a menu item as disabled.

Return Value


Item enable ()

Set a menu item as enabled.

Return Value


bool isDisabled ()

Retrieve if a menu item is disabled.

Return Value


array getExtras ()

Retrieve a key/value pair of menu item extras.

Extras store miscellaneous data in a menu item and may or may not be used for menu display.

Return Value


mixed getExtra (string $name, mixed $default = null)

Retrieve a menu item extra by name.

Extras store miscellaneous data in a menu item and may or may not be used for menu display.


string $name
mixed $default

Return Value


Item setExtras (array $extras)

Set a menu item's extras.

Extras store miscellaneous data in a menu item and may or may not be used for menu display.


array $extras

Return Value


Item setExtra (string $name, mixed $value)

Set a menu item extra.

Extras store miscellaneous data in a menu item and may or may not be used for menu display.


string $name
mixed $value

Return Value


protected bool isFontAwesomeIcon (string $icon)

Determine if a string describes a Font Awesome icon.

Font Awesome icon CSS classes begin with "fa-".


string $icon

Return Value


protected bool isGlyphicon (string $icon)

Determine if a string describes a Glyphicon.

Glyphicon icon CSS classes begin with "glyphicon-".


string $icon

Return Value


Item setIcon (string $icon)

Set the icon displayed next to a menu item.


string $icon

Return Value



Exception if an icon is provided and is not a Font Awesome or Glyphicon.

string getIcon ()

Retrieve full CSS classes of the icon displayed next to a menu item.

Return Value


bool hasIcon ()

Determine if a menu item has an icon.

Return Value


bool hasFontAwesomeIcon ()

Determine if a menu item's icon is a Font Awesome icon.

Return Value


bool hasGlyphicon ()

Determine if a menu item's icon is a Glyphicon.

Return Value


string getBodyHtml ()

Retrieve a menu item's body HTML content.

Return Value


Item setBodyHtml (string $html)

Set a menu item's body HTML content.


string $html

Return Value


bool hasBodyHtml ()

Determine if a menu item has body HTML.

Return Value


string getFooterHtml ()

Retrieve a menu item's footer HTML content.

Return Value


Item setFooterHtml (string $html)

Set a menu item's footer HTML content.


string $html

Return Value


bool hasFooterHtml ()

Determine if a menu item has footer HTML.

Return Value


string getHeadingHtml ()

Retrieve a menu item's heading HTML content.

Return Value


Item setHeadingHtml (string $html)

Set a menu item's heading HTML content.


string $html

Return Value


bool hasHeadingHtml ()

Determine if a menu item has heading HTML.

Return Value


string getId ()

Build a menu item's CSS id.

A Menu item's CSS id is a hyphen delineated string of the snake_case representations of a menu item's name followed by its parent item's name until the menu root.

For example a menu with the structure:

  • My Menu ** My Submenu

has the CSS ids:

  • My_Menu ** My_Menu-My_Submenu

Return Value


static Item sort (Item $menu, bool $sortChildren = true)

Sort a menu item's children by their sort order then alphabetically by name.

A menu item's sorting order is defined in its "order" parameter, and is sorted in ascending order. If two menu items sort orders are the same then order them alphabetically by name.


Item $menu
bool $sortChildren

Return Value


protected Item swapOrder (string $swapOrder)

Swap the order of the current menu item with another menu item's order.


string $swapOrder "up" or "down"

Return Value


Item moveUp ()

Move a menu item up in sorting order.

Return Value


Item moveDown ()

Move a menu item down in sorting order.

Return Value


Item moveToFront ()

Move a menu item to the beginning of the sorting order.

Return Value


Item moveToBack ()

Move a menu item to the end of the sorting order.

Return Value
