A customer's invoice.

The Invoice is the central mechanic upon which the entire WHMCS billing process is built upon. Orders request Services based on Products, which are turned into Invoices to handle payments. Future payments are then made against invoices until such time as the Client makes a CancellationRequest for the Product.

Each Invoice is attached to a specific clientId, and contains one or more invoice line items which actually define the products and prices paid on the invoice.

Tax Rules are configured in Setup -> Payments -> Tax Rules.

Multiple tax rules from each level may be valid for an Invoice, but only the lowest-numbered-ID tax rule will actually be applied to the Invoice.

Note that $id and $invoiceNumber are completely separate entities. The $id is used internally to track the invoice, while the $invoiceNumber is provided to the client and may be used for other tracking purposes; for example, VAT tax compliance.

class Invoice extends AbstractModel

Properties summary

Type Property Description
protected $table
protected $dates
protected $columnMap
protected $appends
int $id Unique Internal Invoice ID number. Should not be confused with the invoiceNumber, which is displayed to the client.
int $clientId ID number of the client this invoice is addressed to.
string $invoiceNumber Invoice number displayed to customer. Custom formatted string configured in General Settings -> Invoices Tab -> Sequential Invoice Number Format.
Carbon $dateCreated Date this invoice was created.
Carbon $dateDue Date this invoice is considered "Due."
Carbon $datePaid Date this invoice was marked as "Paid."
Carbon $lastCaptureAttempt Date a capture was last attempted for this invoice (if applicable)
float $subtotal Total of all items in this invoice.
float $credit If the client has credit on hand, this is the amount of credit applied to this invoice.
float $tax1 Amount of tax due, based on lowest ID number "Level 1" Tax Rule applied to this invoice.
float $tax2 Amount of tax due, based on lowest ID number "Level 2" Tax Rule applied to this invoice. Level 2 Rules may or may not be calculated as compound tax.
float $total Total due on this invoice. Subtotal - Credit + Tax1 + Tax 2. Use this total instead of calculating your own as Level 2 taxes may or may not be compounded.
float $taxRate1 Level 1 Tax rate applied to this invoice.
float $taxRate2 Level 2 Tax rate applied to this invoice.
string $status English language internal name of the status of this invoice from this set: 'Paid', 'Unpaid', 'Cancelled', 'Refunded', 'Draft', 'Collections', or 'Payment Pending'
string $paymentGateway Internal name of payment gateway assigned to this invoice.
string $adminNotes Free-form text provided by, and expected to be viewable only to, the admin.
Client $client Client object for which this invoice is due.
Collection|Item $items The invoice items for this invoice.
Order $order
Data $data
float $balance Balance still due on this invoice. If a client makes partial payments toward this invoice, those payments against the total will be reflected here.
string $paymentGatewayName
float $amountPaid

Methods summary

Return Type Method Name Description
BelongsTo client() Each invoice belongs to one client.
hasMany transactions() Each invoice can have many transactions.
HasMany items() Each invoice can have many line items.
HasMany data() Each invoice can have many one set of invoice data.
BelongsTo order() An invoice can belong to a single order.
Builder scopeUnpaid(Builder $query) Where status is unpaid.
Builder scopeOverdue(Builder $query) Where status is overdue.
Builder scopePaid(Builder $query) Where status is paid.
Builder scopeCancelled(Builder $query) Where status is cancelled.
Builder scopeRefunded(Builder $query) Where status is refunded.
Builder scopeCollections(Builder $query) Where status is collections.
Builder scopePaymentPending(Builder $query) Where status is collections.
Builder scopeMassPay(Builder $query, bool $isMassPay = true) Where the invoice does not contain a line item that is of type "Invoice".
Builder scopeWithLastCaptureAttempt(Builder $query, Carbon $date) Where the last capture date is on a specific date
float getBalanceAttribute() Calculate balance remaining for the invoice.
string getPaymentGatewayNameAttribute() -
float getAmountPaidAttribute() -
bool addPayment(float $amount, string $transactionId = '', float $fees = 0.0, string $gateway = '', bool $noEmail = false, Carbon $date = null) -
array getBillingValues() -
bool shouldRenewRun(integer $relatedId, string $registrationDate, string $type = 'Hosting') Checks if the module renewal should run for a provided related id, registration date and type of item.


BelongsTo client ()

Each invoice belongs to one client.

Return Value


hasMany transactions ()

Each invoice can have many transactions.

Return Value


HasMany items ()

Each invoice can have many line items.

Return Value


HasMany data ()

Each invoice can have many one set of invoice data.

Return Value


BelongsTo order ()

An invoice can belong to a single order.

Return Value


Builder scopeUnpaid (Builder $query)

Where status is unpaid.


Builder $query

Return Value


Builder scopeOverdue (Builder $query)

Where status is overdue.


Builder $query

Return Value


Builder scopePaid (Builder $query)

Where status is paid.


Builder $query

Return Value


Builder scopeCancelled (Builder $query)

Where status is cancelled.


Builder $query

Return Value


Builder scopeRefunded (Builder $query)

Where status is refunded.


Builder $query

Return Value


Builder scopeCollections (Builder $query)

Where status is collections.


Builder $query

Return Value


Builder scopePaymentPending (Builder $query)

Where status is collections.


Builder $query

Return Value


Builder scopeMassPay (Builder $query, bool $isMassPay = true)

Where the invoice does not contain a line item that is of type "Invoice".


Builder $query
bool $isMassPay True if you want to find only Mass Pay invoices, false only non Mass Pay

Return Value


Builder scopeWithLastCaptureAttempt (Builder $query, Carbon $date)

Where the last capture date is on a specific date


Builder $query
Carbon $date The carbon object for the date to obtain data for

Return Value


float getBalanceAttribute ()

Calculate balance remaining for the invoice.

Return Value


string getPaymentGatewayNameAttribute ()

Return Value


float getAmountPaidAttribute ()

Return Value


bool addPayment (float $amount, string $transactionId = '', float $fees = 0.0, string $gateway = '', bool $noEmail = false, Carbon $date = null)


float $amount
string $transactionId
float $fees
string $gateway
bool $noEmail
Carbon $date

Return Value




array getBillingValues ()

Return Value


bool shouldRenewRun (integer $relatedId, string $registrationDate, string $type = 'Hosting')

Checks if the module renewal should run for a provided related id, registration date and type of item.


integer $relatedId The id of the item for the invoice being paid. tblhosting.id or tblhostingaddons.id
string $registrationDate in mysql date format
string $type Either one of Hosting or Addon. Exception will be thrown for other item types.

Return Value


