Invoices Tab

The Invoices tab contains a list of all a client’s invoices, tools for searching within them as well as options for managing invoices in bulk.

The Invoices Tab in the Client Profile

You can access this tab when you view a client’s profile at Clients > View/Search Clients.

The Invoice List

The paginated list displays all of the client’s invoices.

  • Click a column’s heading to sort by that column.
  • Click an invoice number or, in WHMCS 8.9 and later, click View to view that invoice.
  • Click the invoice total to see a preview of the invoice items.
  • In WHMCS 8.9 and later, click Edit to edit the invoice.
    You will only see this option if your administrator role includes the Manage Invoices permission.
You can change the number of invoices that display in each page of results in Records to Display per Page in the General tab at Configuration () > System Settings > General Settings.

Search and Filter

You can filter the list of invoices by invoice number, line item descriptions, due dates, or several other details.

Enter your desired information and click Search in the top-right corner of the tab. The list will only display invoices that match your criteria.

Create an Invoice

Click Create Invoice to create a new invoice for the client. You can then manually add the desired line items.

Bulk Actions

You can perform the following bulk actions when you select an invoice from the list:

Action                     Description
Mark PaidCreate an empty transaction that changes an invoice’s status to Paid.
If an invoice has a balance of 0.00, clicking Mark Paid will not change its status. Instead, edit the invoice’s status manually.
Mark UnpaidChange an invoice’s status to Unpaid.
Mark CancelledChange an invoice’s status to Cancelled.
Duplicate InvoiceCreate a copy.
  • The new invoice will use the next available invoice number, contain the same line items and have the same invoice date, due date and payment method.
  • Any transactions applied to the original invoice will not be applied or duplicated to the new invoice.
Send ReminderSends the invoice payment reminder email for the selected invoice to the client.
MergeSelect two or more invoices to merge the invoice items within together.
For more information, see Merge Invoices.
Mass PaySelect two or more invoices and click to generate a mass payment invoice.
  • This allows clients to pay with only one transaction, saving transaction fees.
  • When the client pays the mass payment invoice, the system will change the status of the selected individual invoices to Paid.
For more information, see Create a Mass Payment Invoice.
DeleteClick and then confirm to permanently remove the invoice. Any transactions will remain. If the invoice relates to a service or domain, the system will not create a new replacement invoice.

Last modified: 2025 February 18