Updating WHMCS

You can check for updates and apply them directly in the Admin Area.

WordPress Hosting

You can easily offer automated WordPress® hosting for your clients, including offering fully-configured WordPress installations for sale.

WP Squared Hosting

In WHMCS 8.8 and later, you can provision and manage WordPress® accounts on WP Squared servers using a new WP Squared server module.

WP Toolkit

You can easily offer WP Toolkit on compatible servers (cPanel and Plesk). WP Toolkit is an all-in-one management solution for WordPress®.

Application Links

Application Links use WHMCS Single Sign-On to allow users to seamlessly access WHMCS from the cPanel or WP Squared control panels.

Domains Tab

The Domains tab in the Client Profile contains details and management options for all of a client's domains.

Escalation Rules

Escalation rules automatically update a support ticket's details, send automatic replies, or email your staff according to your criteria.