If you have remained on a WHMCS version that is past its End of Life (EOL) date for multiple years, we recommend that you update WHMCS as soon as possible. Make sure that you meet the system requirements for each EOL version that you upgrade through to reach a modern, supported version.
System theme template files require a correct system URL for AJAX calls to function correctly and to find and access required resources.
The Gateway Log displays information about transactions with integrated payment gateways.
The Tickets tab in the Client Profile lists all of a client's support ticket history.
The Emails tab in the Client Profile lists the emails that WHMCS has sent to that client.
International Domain Names (IDNs) include language-specific scripts like Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, or other non-ASCII characters.
Premium Domains are domains with short, common, memorable, or desirable names that sell for a higher price at your domain registrar.