WHOIS servers check domain availability and return related information. You must use the appropriate WHOIS servers to search for domains.
Checking the IP address that domains in WHMCS point to allows you to easily identify clients that may no longer be using your service.
SSL monitoring makes it easy to see which domains have SSL, find validation issues sooner, and get advanced warning of expirations.
When you move your WHMCS installation from one server to another, you may need to perform additional steps like updating your license.
When you move your WHMCS installation from one subdomain to another on the same server, you may need to perform additional steps like updating your license.
As your database size increases, you may experience slower page loads and other speed-related issues. Optimizing your database and reducing unnecessary data can help WHMCS run faster.
Our development cycle refines WHMCS to ensure a great experience with new features, fixes, and security updates for supported versions.