Uninstall WHMCS

If you need to uninstall WHMCS from your server, you can manually remove the files, data, and cron jobs that comprise the installation. Specifically, you will need to:

  1. Delete WHMCS’s files and folders.
  2. Delete the database.
  3. Delete WHMCS’s cron jobs.
  4. Disable email piping and importing.
Before you remove WHMCS, make a full backup of the configuration.php file and database. If you want to resume using WHMCS in the future or need to access your data, you will need this backup.

1. Delete WHMCS’s files and folders.

Typically, you should delete every file and folder within the main WHMCS directory. However, if other data that you want to retain exists in that file structure, you should delete at least the following files and folders:


Delete the following files:

aff.php              affiliates.php        announcements.php
announcementsrss.php banned.php            cart.php
clientarea.php       configuration.php     configuressl.php
contact.php          creditcard.php        dist.loghandler.php
dl.php               dologin.php           domainchecker.php
downloads.php        index.php             init.php
knowledgebase.php    link.php              login.php
logout.php           networkissues.php     networkissuesrss.php
pwreset.php          register.php          serverstatus.php
submitticket.php     supporttickets.php    unsubscribe.php
upgrade.php          viewemail.php         viewinvoice.php
viewquote.php        viewticket.php        whois.php


Delete the following folders:

admin       assets      attachments
crons       downloads   feeds
includes    lang        modules
oauth       pipe        resources
status      templates   templates_c

2. Delete the database.

You can delete databases using many different methods. For example, you could use phpMyAdmin, the MySQL® command line interface, or through your control panel.

For help to do this on cPanel & WHM or Plesk servers, see:

3. Delete WHMCS’s cron jobs.

Find and delete all of the cron jobs that you have configured to run for your WHMCS installation.

Typically, WHMCS installations use the following cron jobs:

  • cron.php
  • domainsync.php
  • pop.php
For more information, see System Cron.

4. Disable email piping and importing.

If you previously configured email piping or email importing, disable them.

  • For email piping, delete any forwarders that currently pipe mail to pipe.php.
  • For email importing, delete the /crons/pop.php file.

Last modified: 2025 February 18