360 Monitoring

WHMCS MarketConnect allows you to resell 360 Monitoring, a powerful way to ensure server performance and site uptime. Free and paid plans offer continuous website or website and server monitoring using an open-source monitoring agent.

Activating the service provider in MarketConnect.

360 Monitoring can track metrics, create personalized dashboards, send alerts, and export data and reports, allowing customers to optimize performance and detect downtime immediately.

Included Features

Premade Landing PagePremade PromotionsPremade UpsellsFree or Trial Plan
Account CreationAccessAutomated RenewalsAutomated Upgrades
Email Invitation LinkClient Area SSO

Setup and Configuration

Activating the service provider in MarketConnect.

To activate and begin reselling 360 Monitoring:

  1. Go to Configuration () > System Settings > MarketConnect.
  2. Find the service provider in the list.
  3. Click Start Selling.
  4. Click Activate Now.


WHMCS will fully automate the 360 Monitoring account setup process and handle future renewals.

Admin Management Actions

**360 Monitoring** actions in the client profile

When viewing any 360 Monitoring order in the Admin Area, admins can perform the following actions:

  • Create — Click to provision 360 Monitoring.
  • Renew — Click to renew 360 Monitoring for another billing period.
  • Terminate — Click to terminate the 360 Monitoring account.

Client Management Actions

When a logged-in client views the Product Details page for a service that includes 360 Monitoring, a panel will display monitoring details for the website or server.

  • For websites, this includes average load time, uptime, and the number of assigned monitors.
  • For servers, this includes the load average, CPU, memory, and disk use percentages, and the network speed.

The panel will also display any current alerts for the website or server, and it will allow the client to log in to 360 Monitoring using single sign-on.

Client Area Promotions

A promotion in the Client Area

MarketConnect supports displaying 360 Monitoring promotions in the Client Area homepage, the shopping cart, and when managing a hosting product that does not already include 360 Monitoring. These promotions will appear when you enable 360 Monitoring in WHMCS MarketConnect in the Admin Area.

Customers who have already purchased a 360 Monitoring plan will see upsell promotions with options to upgrade 360 Monitoring when they check out.

An upsell promotion in the Client Area

For more information, see MarketConnect Promotions.

Buying in the Client Area

New and existing customers can purchase 360 Monitoring as a standalone product using the 360 Monitoring landing page at Website & Security > Site & Server Monitoring. Existing customers can also purchase 360 Monitoring by clicking on a Client Area promotion.

The 360 Monitoring landing page in the Client Area

The landing page includes all of the necessary information about available plans, pricing, and features.


For more information on troubleshooting MarketConnect-related issues, see Troubleshooting MarketConnect.

Last modified: 2025 March 10