The CashU payment gateway module is available in WHMCS.
Supported Features
Type: Third-Party
One-Time | Recurring | Refunds | Reversals |
✓ | ✖️ | ✖️ | ✖️ |
3D Secure | Remote Update Card | Remote Delete Card | AddPayMethod API |
✖️ | ✖️ | ✖️ | ✖️ |
Adding the CashU Payment Gateway
To set up the CashU payment gateway in WHMCS:
- Go to Configuration () > Apps & Integrations or Addons > Apps & Integrations.
- Click CashU.
- Check Show on Order Form to display this payment method in the Client Area during checkout.
- Enter your merchant ID.
- Enter your encryption keyword. You can find the encryption keyword in your CashU account at Merchant Services > Service Setup.
- Set your Return URL and Sorry URL using the following format:
- Return URL:
- Sorry URL:
- Return URL:
- Ensure that all other items are blank.
- Click Save Changes.
Test Mode
You can use test mode to simulate payment processing without actually causing a transaction to occur. This can be useful for testing your configuration.
You can find information about most payment gateway-related errors in the logs at Billing > Gateway Log and in the Module Log.
For more information, see Troubleshooting Payments.
Last modified: 2025 March 10