WHMCS 8.4.1 deprecated the SagePay Tokens module and replaced it with the SagePay Tokens v2 module. You can use the two modules together until Opayo (formerly Sage Pay) deprecates the API implementation that functions with the SagePay Tokens module. For more information, see SagePay Tokens Deprecation and SagePay Tokens v2.
The SagePay payment gateway module works with both US-based and UK-based accounts.
Supported Features
Type: Token
One-Time | Recurring | Refunds | Reversals |
✓ | ✓ | ✖️ | ✖️ |
3D Secure | Remote Update Card | Remote Delete Card | AddPayMethod API |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Adding the SagePay Payment Gateway
To set up the SagePay payment gateway in WHMCS:
- Go to Configuration () > Apps & Integrations or Addons > Apps & Integrations.
- Click SagePay.
- Check Show on Order Form to display this payment method in the Client Area during checkout.
- Enter your SagePay credentials.
- Make certain that the vendor ID matches the ID in your SagePay account.
- Set Convert To For Processing to the currency in your SagePay account.
- Click Save Changes.
Test Mode
You can use test mode to simulate payment processing without actually causing a transaction to occur. This can be useful for testing your configuration.
You can find information about most payment gateway-related errors in the logs at Billing > Gateway Log and in the Module Log.
Last modified: 2025 March 10