Order Form Templates

Order form templates define the look and feel of the shopping cart process. WHMCS ships with several order form templates.

For information on customizing your own order form templates and the files to use, see Custom Order Form Templates.

Configuring the Order Form Template

You can set a system default order form template, select specific order form templates for individual product groups, or set the order form template using a custom URL.

The View Cart and Checkout steps will always use the default order form template. This is because the cart can contain products from many different product groups at the same time.

System Default

You can set the system default order form template using System Default Order Form Template in the Ordering tab at Configuration () > System Settings > General Settings:

The System Default Order Form Template setting

The system uses the default order form template for any product groups that don’t have a custom order form template.

Product Groups

You can set the order form template for a product group when you edit it at Configuration () > System Settings > Products/Services.

  • Selecting an order form template here will override the system default when viewing that product group in the Client Area.
  • It will also define the styling for the product configuration part of the order process for products and bundles within that group.

Custom URLs

You can also specify an order form template in custom URLs using the http://www.example.com/whmcs/?carttpl=xxxxx format, where xxxxx is the name of the order form template directory.

  • Order form templates that you create using this method take precedence over the system order form template and product group order form template.
  • This selects the order form template for the duration of the customer’s visit to your website.
For more information, see Linking to WHMCS.


All of the templates that WHMCS ships with include support for headlines, taglines, feature highlights, and featured products.

WHMCS ships with the following order form templates:

Order Form TemplateProduct Group FeaturesRecommended Number of Products
Standard Cart
This is the default order form template. Use it for any type of product.
Premium Comparison
Use this for comparing several products.
3Premium Comparison
Pure Comparison
Use this for comparing several products.
4Pure Comparison
Supreme Comparison
Use this for comparing several products.
6Supreme Comparison
Universal Slider
Use this to showcase products in a slider format that can work universally for any type of product. It includes support for product feature comparison with percentage bars and a text description. For best results and to avoid page shifting between products, use the same product description format for all products within the group.
4–8Universal Slider
Cloud Slider
Use this for comparing products. For best results, use four feature or value comparisons and ensure you have the same format or order for all descriptions of products within the group.
2–12Cloud Slider

Bootstrap Compatibility

All of the above templates are compatible with the Six theme, which uses Bootstrap 3, and the Twenty-One theme, which uses Bootstrap 4.

Feature Highlights

Feature highlights allow you to define features for products and their values in a way that WHMCS can interpret for comparison-based appear.

Feature Highlights for Premium Comparison

Feature Highlights are part of the product description. You must enter them in the following format, with one feature per line:

Feature: Value

For example, the description for a shared hosting product using Feature Highlights might look like this:

Disk Space: 1000MB
Bandwidth: 5GB
Email Accounts: 5
Subdomains: 3
Addon Domains: 1

We recommend using the same features in the same order for all products within the same product group.

You may need to disable feature highlights when, for example, using other markup in the product description. For steps, see Disable Feature Highlights.

Last modified: September 27, 2024