Offer Free Trials

WHMCS allows you to easily configure free trials for your products. Free trial accounts automatically terminate (and send an email to the client) a set number of days after ordering.

To set up a free trial, you must:

  1. Configure the free trial product.
  2. Configure the promotion code.

Configure the Free Trial Product

To configure a free trial product:

  1. Create or edit a product at Configuration () > System Settings > Products/Services.
  2. In the Pricing tab, enter the length of your free trial in days for Auto Terminate/Fixed Term.
  3. For Termination Email, select the email to send to clients when their free trial period ends and the system terminates the account.
    You can create a new email template for free trials at Configuration () > System Settings > Email Templates.

Configure a Promotion Code

You can configure promotion codes in many different ways to work with free trials. This allows you to offer a free trial while still obtaining client details for security and fraud checks.

For example, to set up a freetrial code for a free one-month trial:

  1. Go to Configuration () > System Settings > Promotions.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Enter the promotion code freetrial.
  4. Change the value to 100.00.
  5. Select Monthly.
  6. Set the remaining settings according to the specifics of your promotion.
  7. Click Create Promotion.

Clients can either enter the promotion code during checkout or use the following link to apply the free trial automatically:
If you do not want to collect a client’s payment details for a free trial, set the Payment Type value to Free under the product’s Pricing tab instead.

Last modified: 2025 February 18