
You can offer downloads for your users. This could be anything from product user manuals, relevant software utilities or even the actual products that you sell. You can host them locally or remotely.

You can access this feature at Support > Downloads.

Add Downloads

To offer downloads, you must first create categories. Then, you can add the individual download files.

1. Add a category.

To add a category:

  1. Use the list of categories to go to the desired parent category.
  2. Select the Add Category tab.
  3. Enter a name to appear.
  4. Optionally, check Hide to make this category invisible. If you do this, the category will be available only via direct links.
  5. Enter a description.
  6. Click Add Category.

2. Add a download.

To add a download:

  1. Use the list of categories to go to the desired category.
  2. Select the Add Download tab.
  3. Select a file type.
  4. Enter the title and description.
  5. In the Upload File section, select the location of the file:
    • For remotely-hosted files, choose Manual FTP Upload to Downloads Folder and enter the full URL to the file, including http://.
    • For locally-hosted files that exist in the specified Downloads location at Configuration () > System Settings > Storage Settings, enter the filename.
    • For large files, we recommend uploading via FTP and choosing Manual FTP Upload to Downloads Folder.
    • For small files, we recommend uploading by clicking Upload File. This will upload the file to the downloads directory.
  6. To only offer this download to authenticated clients, check Clients Only.
  7. To only offer this download after a purchase, check Product Download.
    For more information, see Product Downloads Distribution.
  8. To hide this download in the Client Area, check Hidden.
  9. Click Add Download.

Edit Downloads

To edit an existing download, use the list of categories to go to the desired category and then click on the download name.

Last modified: 2025 January 28