Disable Client Ticket Closure
If you do not want your clients to close support tickets, you can enable Prevent Client Closure for individual support tickets or for all new tickets within a specific support department. When Prevent Client Closure is enabled, the system does not display the Close button for affected tickets in the Client Area and prevents clients from changing the ticket status to Closed.
Specific Support Departments
When you enable Prevent Client Closure for a support department, clients will not be able to close any new tickets in that support department. This includes newly-created tickets and tickets that you moved to this department after enabling Prevent Client Closure.
Enabling Prevent Client Closure for a support department will not stop clients from closing tickets that are already open within the department at the time of enablement.
- Clients will still see the Close button on existing tickets and will be able to close them successfully.
- If you do not want clients to close an existing ticket, you must enable Prevent Client Closure for those tickets individually.
To do this:
- Go to Configuration () > System Settings > Support Departments.
- Enter your support department information in the Add New Department section of the page or click the Edit icon for an existing department.
- Check Prevent Client Closure to stop clients from closing new tickets in this department.
- Click Add New Department if you are creating a new department, or click Save Changes if you are editing an existing department.
Individual Support Tickets
When you enable Prevent Client Closure for a specific support ticket, clients will not be able to close that specific ticket.
To do this:
- Go to Support > Support Tickets.
- Click on the desired support ticket in the ticket list.
- Choose the Options tab.
- Check Prevent Client Closure to stop clients from being able to close this specific ticket.
- Click Save.
After you do this, users will not see the Close button under Ticket Information when they view this support ticket in the Client Area:
Last modified: November 12, 2024