Enable hCaptcha®

We strongly recommend that you update your captcha settings to use reCAPTCHA v3 or hCaptcha®.

Captchas help you prevent bots from performing activities like placing orders, creating accounts or support tickets, using contact forms, searching for domains, or logging in to your Client Area or Admin Area. hCaptcha offers enhanced protection from automated captcha solvers using either a checkbox-based captcha (hCaptcha) or an invisible captcha (Invisible hCaptcha).

You can enable and configure several types of captchas in the Security tab at Configuration () > System Settings > General Settings.

For more information, see Captcha Protection.

Enabling hCaptcha or Invisible hCaptcha

We added support for hCaptcha in WHMCS 8.11.

To enable captchas using hCaptcha:

  1. Go to the Security tab at Configuration () > System Settings > General Settings.
  2. For Captcha Type, select the desired captcha type.
  3. Log in to your hCaptcha account.
  4. Perform the necessary steps to configure hCaptcha and add your WHMCS installation’s domain to the list of authorized domains.
  5. Copy the Site Key and Secret Key values that hCaptcha generates and enter them in WHMCS.
    Entering the hCaptcha Site Key and Secret Key
  6. For hCaptcha Score Threshold, enter the desired minimum score for hCaptcha verification. You can enter a value between 1 (least restrictive) and 0 (most restrictive). For example, .5.
    Setting an hCaptcha score threshold.
  7. For Captcha for Select Forms, select the locations in which you want to use hCaptcha.
    Choosing captcha locations.
    For more information, see Captcha for Select Forms.
  8. Click Save Changes.

Last modified: November 12, 2024