Billing Logic

Specific billing logic governs the automation for many of your business's most important tasks, including ordering, payments, and provisioning.

Summary Tab

The Summary tab in the Client Profile contains an overview of the client's details, billing and service information, and management quick links.

Managing Affiliates

Admins can manage affiliates, assign orders to them, pay commissions, and view referral and payout history in the WHMCS Admin Area.

Payment Reversals

Payment reversals return a payment and reverse the transaction's associated actions. This often occurs after a chargeback or lost dispute.

Invoice Management

After invoice generation, you can easily manage your clients' invoices, including payment, splitting invoices, cancelling them, and more.


WHMCS records all of your transactions. When you view the list of transactions, you can also check your Stripe™ and PayPal® balances.

Credit Balances

Credit allows you to receive money, record it, and apply it to client purchases. Clients and admins can apply credit to unpaid invoices.