Selling and Managing Domains

In WHMCS, you can configure your domain registration and pricing settings and choose a registrar to customize how you sell domains.

Troubleshooting Domains

When you sell domains, issues with domain availability checks, registration, or renewals can cause serious problems.

Troubleshooting System Email

Problems with your system email can prevent you from sending email to clients or connecting to your mail provider.

Domain Statuses

Domain statuses indicate the domain's current state in the domain registration process. WHMCS's automation uses the domain status to determine when to generate invoices and perform other tasks.

Domains Tab

The Domains tab in the Client Profile contains details and management options for all of a client's domains.

Automatically Renew on Payment

Use the Auto Renew on Payment setting to configure WHMCS to automatically renew domains after the client has paid the renewal invoice.

Automation Settings

WHMCS's automation settings determine when the system cron runs, whether to perform certain tasks, and the details for running each task.