Support Tickets

Support tickets provide an easy way to handle one-on-one communications with your clients using WHMCS's fully-featured ticket desk.

Ticket Statuses

Ticket statuses allow you to better organize your workflow in WHMCS. You can use the default ticket statuses or customize your own.

Escalation Rules

Escalation rules automatically update a support ticket's details, send automatic replies, or email your staff according to your criteria.

Automation Settings

WHMCS's automation settings determine when the system cron runs, whether to perform certain tasks, and the details for running each task.


The Support tab allows you to configure settings for the support ticket system.

System Cron

When you set up your WHMCS installation, you must set up the system cron. The system cron controls all of WHMCS's automation.

Tickets Tab

The Tickets tab in the Client Profile lists all of a client's support ticket history.