
Products set details like pricing, billing cycles, recommendations, provisioning modules, and other options for each item you sell.

Troubleshooting Products and Services

You may experience problems while configuring products for sale, during the purchase process, or when managing individual clients' purchased services.

Troubleshooting Server Issues

Some provisioning and server-related issues are due to misconfiguration in your WHMCS installation, while others may be due to networking issues or other server-side problems.

Activate an Order

If your WHMCS configuration does not automatically activate orders after payment, you can manually activate and provision them at any time.

Product Configuration Options

Customized products allow customers to choose from predetermined options, add upgrades and addons, set values like usernames, and more.

Migrate Data to WHMCS

You can use automated options like Sync Accounts or Importassist to migrate your data, or you can add data using manual entry.

WordPress Hosting

You can easily offer automated WordPress® hosting for your clients, including offering fully-configured WordPress installations for sale.