Payment Reversals

Payment reversals return a payment and reverse the transaction's associated actions. This often occurs after a chargeback or lost dispute.

Support Tickets

Support tickets provide an easy way to handle one-on-one communications with your clients using WHMCS's fully-featured ticket desk.


WHMCS integrates with popular team communication apps, including Slack® and HipChat™, to allow WHMCS to notify you in real time as events occur.

My Account

From any page in the Admin Area, the currently-logged-in admin can quickly access and change their account and security settings.

Configure Email Notifications

Activate email notifications and configure the sender information. You must activate notifications before creating notification rules.

Configure HipChat Notifications

Activate HipChat™ notifications using a HipChat API token and URL. You must activate notifications before creating notification rules.

Configure Slack Notifications

Activate Slack® notifications using your workspace's access token. You must activate notifications before creating notification rules.