Troubleshooting Domains

If you encounter errors or issues while working with domains, domain registration, or domain pricing and configuration, see the sections below to start troubleshooting and resolve the issue.

You can begin the troubleshooting process for most domain-related issues by reviewing recent error messages at Configuration () > System Logs.

Domain Pricing

For more information, see Domain Pricing.

You may encounter the following common issues:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
There was an error in your request or There was a problem connecting to the domain registryThere is a Whois-related problem or a problem with your pricing for an extension.Domain Availability Errors
The system is not saving changes to your domain pricing or The system could not process your submission because PHP’s max_input_vars setting is too low..The amount of data that the page is submitting exceeds the limit in your PHP configuration.Domain Pricing Will Not Save
A domain that should be free is displaying the full price.The items currently in the cart do not meet the criteria for the free domain discount.Free Domain Is Not Free
Unable to display TLD cost pricing as currency 'XXX' is not defined with an exchange rateA currency in WHMCS is missing or does not have a properly-configured exchange rate.Unable to Display Pricing Errors

Domain Availability

For more information, see Lookup Providers and Client Area Domain Registration.

You may encounter the following common issues:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
The Choose a Domain page is blank in the Client Area.You have not enabled any domain registration options.Blank Choose a Domain Page
A domain search returns no results and renders a blank page.The system encountered an incorrect response type.Blank Domain Search Results
There was an error in your request or There was a problem connecting to the domain registryThere is a Whois-related problem or a problem with your pricing for an extension.Domain Availability Errors

Domain Registration

You may encounter the following common issues:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
An error states that the admin contact details are missing, incomplete, or invalid.There is a problem in your domain contact details configuration.Missing Contact Details Errors

Domain Registrars

  • Registrar Error messages when registering, transfering, or renewing domains are from the registrar module and not WHMCS itself. To troubleshoot these errors, go to Configuration () > System Logs and check for relevant error messages.
  • After you finish resolving a domain registrar issue, you can retry the module action. For steps, see Retry a Module Action.
For more information, see Domain Registrars.


We removed the Bizcn module in WHMCS 8.8.

You may encounter the following common issues while using Bizcn:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
You see an unexpected status or error code while using Bizcn to register and manage domains.In many cases, Bizcn’s status codes do not indicate a problem.Bizcn Domain Registration Codes

CentralNic Reseller

You may encounter the following common issues while using CentralNic Reseller:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
Entity reference not foundThe domain does not exist in your CentralNic Reseller account.Entity Reference Errors


You may encounter the following common issues while using Enom:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
Bad User name or PasswordThe credentials in your Enom configuration are incorrect.Bad User name or Password Errors
You see a standard cURL error while working with Enom.There is a connection issue between your server and Enom’s API.Enom API cURL Errors
Domain name not foundThe credentials in your Enom configuration are incorrect.Enom Domain Not Found Errors
Cannot parse empty response from server/Empty data response from server - Please try again laterEnom received an empty response.Enom Empty Response Errors
Invalid data response from server - Please try again laterThe system encountered an unexpected response (for example, a 404 error or other non-XML method).Enom Invalid Data Errors
User not permitted from this IP address or Registrar Error Invalid Client IPYou have not whitelisted your server’s IP address in your Enom account.Enom User Not Permitted Errors


You may encounter the following common issues while using GoDaddy:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
Request body doesn't fulfill schema, see details in fieldsThere is missing client data or the domain registration uses GoDaddy’s retail system instead of the GoDaddy API Reseller program.GoDaddy Request Body Errors


You may encounter the following common issues while using HEXONET:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
Disconnected or Authorization FailedThese errors can have many different causes.HEXONET Disconnections and Failures
Empty response from APIThe HEXONET API endpoint is unreachable.HEXONET Empty Response Errors


You may encounter the following common issues while using Namecheap:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
Unable to obtain Nameservers for an unregistered domainThe domain does not exist in your Namecheap account.Namecheap Nameserver Errors
Registrar Error Invalid Request IPYou have not whitelisted your server’s IP address for API access with Namecheap.Namecheap Registrar Errors


You may encounter the following common issues while using Nominet:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
Command syntax errorThere is a problem with the details in the client’s profile.Nominet Command Syntax Errors
Error Connecting to ssl:// on port 700Your firewall is blocking the connection or you have not whitelisted your IP address with Nominet.Nominet Connection Errors
Unable to find the socket transport "ssl"There is a problem with PHP on your server.Nominet Socket Transport Errors


You may encounter the following common issues while using OnlineNIC:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
You experience connection errors.Your firewall is blocking the connection to OnlineNIC.OnlineNIC Connection Errors
For a list of error codes for the OnlineNIC API, see OnlineNIC Response Parameters.


You may encounter the following common issues while using OpenSRS:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
You encounter a blank or partially-rendered page.There is a fatal PHP error, a problem with a module or template, or a problem with ionCube Loader®.Blank or Partially-Rendered Pages
You see blank responses or connection errors.Your firewall is blocking the connection to OpenSRS.OpenSRS Connection Errors
Domain Already RenewedThe domain’s expiry date is incorrect or invalid.OpenSRS Domain Renewed Errors
Order xxxxxxx is not a pending, declined or cancelled order and cannot be processedYou enabled Process Immediately in your OpenSRS account.OpenSRS Order Errors


You may encounter the following common issues while using ResellerClub:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
You must authorize your IP address to use this API (WHMCS 8.4 and later) or Access Denied: You are not authorized to perform this action. (WHMCS 8.3 and earlier) or CURL Error: 7 - couldn't connect to host.You have not whitelisted your IP address with ResellerClub.ResellerClub Access Errors
HTTP Error: Couldn't open socket connection to server. or Domain Registration Error - Unable to connect to Registry.Your firewall is blocking the connection to ResellerClub.ResellerClub Connection Errors
Language code not valid for this TLDYou are attempting to register an Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) but did not specify a valid language.ResellerClub Language Code Errors
Locked in ProcessingYou do not have enough funds in your ResellerClub account.ResellerClub Locked Errors
Errors state that your login credentials (username or password) are invalid or that your ResellerClub account is suspended or inactive.Your login credentials are incorrect or your account is suspended.ResellerClub Login Errors
Required parameter missing: nameResellerClub is not receiving the client’s details.ResellerClub Missing Name Errors
There is already a pending action on this domainAn update to the domain’s contact information is pending.ResellerClub Pending Actions
Telephone No. is invalid. Please note that only digits are allowedA phone number includes a country code.ResellerClub Telephone Errors
An unexpected error has occurredYour login details are missing or incorrect.ResellerClub Unexpected Errors
An unknown fault occurred - please contact supportThe client’s profile data contains characters other than a-z and 0-9.ResellerClub Unknown Fault Errors
Website Doesn't Exist ForThe domain does not exist in your ResellerClub account.ResellerClub Website Errors


You may encounter the following common issues while using TransIP:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
You encounter a blank or partially-rendered page.There is a fatal PHP error, a problem with a module or template, or a problem with ionCube Loader®.Blank or Partially-Rendered Pages
Domain updates do not take effect immediately.TransIP domain updates are asynchronous.TransIP Update Delays


You may encounter the following common issues while using WebNIC:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
IP Address prohibited or 2 IP authentication failYou have not whitelisted your IP address with WebNIC.WebNIC IP Address Errors
Wrong logon name or password. Please try againThere is a problem with your WebNIC password.WebNIC Login Errors
Partner authentication failureThe WebNIC credentials in your configuration are incorrect.WebNIC Partner Failures

Domain Management

You may encounter the following common issues:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
Oops! ERROR: WHMCS\Exception\InvalidDomain: The domain is invalid. in /path/to/whmcs/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Domains/Idna.php:0The tbldomains.domain field in your MySQL® database contains an invalid character.Domain Management Oops! Errors
An error states that the admin contact details are missing, incomplete, or invalid.There is a problem in your domain contact details configuration.Missing Contact Details Errors
An error states that the registrant contact details are missing, incomplete, or invalid.There is a problem with the contact details in the client’s profile.Missing Registrant Contact Errors
For more information, see Selling and Managing Domains.

Domain Renewal

You may encounter the following common issues:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
The domain renewal link in domain renewal reminder emails is broken.The system generated the URL incorrectly.Broken Renewal Links in Emails
The system is unexpectedly setting domain renewal invoices to the Cancelled status.The domain expired and domain grace and redemption fees are disabled or the client placed a domain renewal order.Cancelled Domain Renewal Invoices
The system does not generate an invoice for a domain renewal.There is an issue in the domain’s configuration, a previous invoice, or a problem with the system cron.Missing Domain Renewal Invoices
Suppressed Automatic Domain Renewal on Payment Due to Domain Being Free and having No Active Associated ProductYou enabled the Auto Renew Requires Product setting.Suppressed Renewal Errors
For more information, see Domain Renewals.

Domain Transfers

You may encounter the following common issues:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
Domain name not foundThe credentials in your Enom configuration are incorrect.Enom Domain Not Found Errors
Entity reference not foundThe domain does not exist in your CentralNic Reseller account.Entity Reference Errors
Request body doesn't fulfill schema, see details in fieldsThere is missing client data or the domain registration uses GoDaddy’s retail system instead of the GoDaddy API Reseller program.GoDaddy Request Body Errors
Unable to obtain Nameservers for an unregistered domainThe domain does not exist in your Namecheap account.Namecheap Nameserver Errors
No nameservers are defined for the server this domain is assigned toThe service’s assigned server does not have any defined nameservers.No Nameservers Are Defined Errors
Website Doesn't Exist ForThe domain does not exist in your ResellerClub account.ResellerClub Website Errors
For more information, see Domain Transfers.

Last modified: 2025 February 18