Unsent Welcome Emails


The system is not sending product welcome emails.


This is usually due to a problem with account creation, or you may not have configured a welcome email.


To troubleshoot this problem, review the Activity Log at Configuration () > System Logs.

For steps to troubleshoot and resolve common product-related and provisioning-related errors, see Troubleshooting Products and Services and Troubleshooting Server Issues.

Account Creation Issue

WHMCS may be encountering an account creation issue involving the product’s provisioning module.

The welcome email sends when the module’s Create command finishes successfully and automatically (the account is created on the server). If this does not succeed, the email will not send.

For steps to troubleshoot and resolve common provisioning-related errors, see Troubleshooting Server Issues.

Syntax Error

WHMCS cannot send an email if the email template contains a syntax error.

For steps to resolve email syntax errors, see Email Template Syntax Errors.

No Module

Sending welcome emails automatically requires the use of a provisioning module.

If you aren’t using a module (for example, cPanel or Plesk), you can send the welcome email automatically by selecting the Auto Release module.

No Welcome Email

Make certain that you selected a welcome email to send for the product in the Details tab at Configuration () > System Settings > Products/Services.

Last modified: 2025 February 18