Question Marks in PDF Invoices


When you create a PDF version of a quote or invoice, some or all of the letters render as question marks:

Question Marks in a PDF Invoice

Due to a limitation in PHP, the translations of the Paid and Unpaid text on PDF invoices may not display uppercase accented characters.


Your PDF Font Friendly setting does not support the displayed characters.


To resolve this:

  1. Go to Configuration () > System Settings > General Settings and choose the Invoices tab.
    The PDF Font Family Setting
  2. Locate the PDF Font Family setting.
  3. Select Freesans.
  4. Click Save Changes.

The text should now display properly:

Correct Character Display in a PDF Invoice

If the problem persists, it indicates that none of the default PDF fonts in WHMCS support the characters. To resolve this, download and install the dejavusans font.

For steps, see Custom PDF Invoices.

Last modified: September 27, 2024