Troubleshooting Licensing

If you encounter errors or issues while authenticating with WHMCS, see the sections below to start troubleshooting and resolve the issue.

Licensing Errors

You may encounter the following common issues:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
Curl Error - Couldn't connect to host (7) or Server Command Error - Curl Error - Couldn't connect to host (7) or Curl Error: Connection refused - Code 7Your firewall is blocking a necessary port.cURL Couldn't Connect to Host Errors
Curl Error - Couldn't resolve host (6) or Server Command Error - Curl Error - Couldn't resolve host (6)Your firewall is blocking a necessary port.cURL Couldn't Resolve Host Errors
Your license key is invalidYou performed a required license check from a non-web context.Invalid License API Errors
License InvalidYou entered an invalid license key or moved the WHMCS installation without updating the license.Invalid License Errors
Invalid License (on HostGator)HostGator made mass changes to one or more directories.Invalid Licenses on HostGator
A license key is required. If you don't have one, please visit to purchase one.There is an issue with the PHP sessions configuration in your server environment.License Key Required Errors
No ConnectionThere is a problem preventing your server from communicating with the WHMCS licensing server.No Connection Errors
You see SSL-related error messages while attempting to connect to the WHMCS licensing server.Your CA bundle files are missing or out of date.Outdated root CA Bundles

Last modified: 2025 February 18