Troubleshooting Products and Services

If you encounter errors or issues while working with product configuration or clients’ services, see the sections below to start troubleshooting and resolve the issue.


For more information, see Product Configuration Options.

You may encounter the following common issues:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
Required Product Module '' MissingThe system performed a module command for a product without an assigned module.Product Module Missing Errors
Cross-sells (recommendations) do not appear during the order process.All of the recommended products are currently hidden.Recommendation Display Issues
The system is not prorating prices for prorata services.The Signup Anniversary Prorata setting is overriding the product prorata setting.Service Not Prorated
PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'shortDescription' in 'field list' in /path/to/whmcs/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php:485The product configuration is missing a Product Short Description value.shortDescription Errors


You may encounter the following common issues:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
Error: Call to a member function getOnDemandRenewalSettings() on null in /path/to/whmcs/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/User/Client.php:0
Error: Call to a member function enabledMetrics() on null in /path/to/whmcs/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Service/Service.php:0
The user’s current client has an orphaned service.Member Function Renewal Errors
Required Product Module '' MissingThe system performed a module command for a product without an assigned module.Product Module Missing Errors
The system is not prorating prices for prorata services.The Signup Anniversary Prorata setting is overriding the product prorata setting.Service Not Prorated
The system is unexpectedly suspending services.The service is overdue or an admin manually suspended the service.Unexpected Service Suspensions
The system is unexpectedly terminating services.The product configuration includes fixed-term terminations, the service is overdue, or an admin manually terminated the service.Unexpected Service Terminations

Last modified: 2025 February 18