Troubleshooting SSL

If you encounter errors or issues while working with SSL on your WHMCS installation, see the sections below to start troubleshooting and resolve the issue.

General Issues and Errors

You may encounter the following common issues:

Error or IssueCauseNext Steps
Website SSL
A Certificate Authority verified SSL certificate was not detected on This will prevent some features, such as OpenID Connect, from functioning. This may also affect your ability to receive PCI or other accreditation.
An SSL certificate is not configured correctly.Certificate Not Detected Errors
curl: (51) SSL: certificate subject name '*' does not match target host name '' or curl --max-time 10 -v https://example.comThis error indicates a cURL connection issue.Certificate Subject Mismatch Errors
Error: failed to open stream: operation failedThe application is unable to confirm the validity of the SSL certificate.File Download Errors
You are currently accessing the admin area using an insecure connection. We recommend using SSL encryption (https) for security. If you don't yet have an SSL Certificate, you can buy one hereYou are using an insecure http connection to access the Admin Area and the WHMCS System URL setting contains the http:// prefix instead of https://.Insecure Connection SSL Errors
Certification Error - Invalid or Corrupt CertificateAn SSL certificate file is corrupt or contains invalid content.Invalid or Corrupt Certificate Errors
You see SSL-related error messages while attempting to connect to the WHMCS licensing server.Your CA bundle files are missing or out of date.Outdated root CA Bundles
The system will not connect to PayPal® correctly.Some PayPal payment gateway modules require an HTTPS-secured connection.PayPal SSL Errors
Error code 35 Unknown SSL protocol or Unsupported SSL protocol or sslv3 alert handshake failure or tlsv1 alert protocol versionThe server is attempting a secure connection using an outdated SSL protocol.Unsupported Protocol Errors

Last modified: 2025 February 18