Automatic Updates Unavailable


When you go to Utilities > Update WHMCS, you see an available update. However, Update Now is disabled and you see the following error message:

Unable to Perform Automatic Updates


You can find the cause of the issue by examining the full text below the error message. For example:

An Unable to Perform Automatic Updates error.

In the example above, the error indicates that there is a permissions-related error.

The following issues are the most common reasons why WHMCS cannot perform automatic updates:

Error MessageDescriptionSolution
Automatic Updates require at least 128MB of available memory allocated to the PHP process.The current value for the memory_limit setting in your PHP configuration is too low.Increase memory_limit to at least 128 MB in your PHP configuration.
Automatic Updates require the allow_url_fopen setting to be enabled in your PHP configuration.The allow_url_fopen PHP function is currently disabled.Enable allow_url_fopen in your PHP configuration.
Automatic Updates require the following PHP functions to be enabled:The listed functions are disabled.Enable all of the listed PHP functions in your PHP configuration.
Automatic Updates require the whmcs directory /vendor/whmcs/whmcs/ to be writable.There is a permissions-related issue preventing WHMCS from writing to the directory.Ensure that the /vendor/whmcs/whmcs directory exists and that the user that WHMCS runs under has full read and write permissions.
Automatic Updates require the Zip module or proc_open function to be available in PHP.The proc_open PHP function is currently disabled and you have not installed the Zip extension.Either recompile PHP with the Zip extension or enable proc_open in your PHP configuration.
You do not currently have a path configured for temporary storage of files during updates. You will not be able to perform an update until one is set.You have not configured Temporary Update Path at Utilities > Update WHMCS.Create the desired temporary update directory and ensure that it has the correct permissions. Then, enter the full path to the directory for Temporary Update Path at Utilities > Update WHMCS.

Last modified: September 27, 2024